Enrichment of Mobile data Security over Cloud storage using New Asymmetric key algorithm
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.133-138, Oct-2016
Using cloud storage is rapidly increasing at present in all the service and commercial zone. Safety and security concern of the data always uncertain in private, public and hybrid cloud storage system. In particular, mobile data on cloud storage facing enormous challenges and security issues. There is no limitation of mobile users, mobile data and its various services on mobile environment. Increase and deployment of mobile usage much needed to store their vast information in cloud environment, which establish to Mobile data storage on cloud environment. Cloud storage system promotes usage of cloud based services in a mobile environment. Encryption algorithm plays a vital role in securing mobile cloud system in security aspects. The core objective of this paper is to secure the mobile data on cloud environment. In this research article, we comparatively studied and analyzed various encryption algorithms used in mobile cloud base security with proposed new encryption model. Our proposed encryption/decryption method holds the higher security because the more dynamics and randomness are adaptively added into the key generation process with the help of key distribution centre (KDC).
Key-Words / Index Term
Mobile cloud computing, Cloud storage, Cloud Computing; Mobile cloud, Block cipher algorithm. Data encryption/decryption etc
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P. Kuppuswamy, "Enrichment of Mobile data Security over Cloud storage using New Asymmetric key algorithm," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.133-138, 2016.
A Study on Genetic Algorithm and its Applications
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.139-143, Oct-2016
In order to obtain best solutions, we need a measure for differentiating best solutions from worst solutions. The measure could be an objective one that is a statistical model or a simulation, or it can be a subjective one where we choose better solutions over worst ones. Apart from this the fitness function determines a best solution for a given problem, which is subsequently used by the GA to guide the evolution of best solutions. This paper shows how GA is combined with various other methods and technique to derive optimal solution, increase the computation time of retrieval system the applications of genetic algorithms in various fields.
Key-Words / Index Term
Genetic Algorithm; Optimal Solution; Fitness function
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Automatic Tumor Classification of Brain MRI Images
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.144-151, Oct-2016
Brain tumor classification is an active research area in medical image processing and pattern recognition. Brain tumor is an abnormal mass of tissue in which some cells grow and multiply uncontrollably, apparently unregulated by the mechanisms that control normal cells. The growth of a tumor takes up space within the skull and interferes with normal brain activity. The detection of the tumor is very important in earlier stages. Automating this process is a challenging task because of the high diversity in the appearance of tumor tissues among different patients and in many cases similarity with the normal tissues. This paper depicts a novel framework for brain tumor classification based on Gray Level Co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) statistical features are extracted from the brain MRI images, which signify the important texture features of tumor tissue. The experiments are carried out using BRATS dataset, considering two classes viz (normal and abnormal) and the extracted features are modeled by Support Vector Machines (SVM), k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) and Decision Tree(DT)for classifying tumor types. In the experimental results, Decision Tree exhibit effectiveness of the proposed method with an overall accuracy rate of 98.68%, this outperforms the SVM and k-NN classifiers.
Key-Words / Index Term
MRI, GLCM, SVM, K-NN, DT, Brain Tumor, Tumor detection, BRATS
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V. Vani, M.K. Geetha , "Automatic Tumor Classification of Brain MRI Images," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.144-151, 2016.
Resource Allocation for Multi-user Multi-Traffic Class in UWB MANET
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.152-156, Oct-2016
In this paper we propose to design a Resource allocation for Multi-user Multi-Traffic technique for UWB ad hoc networks as an extension work to MAC protocol for UWB MANET, which combines the DEX Protocol with DU-MAC protocol. Initially the incoming traffic is classified according to their QoS requirements. The packets with strict QoS constraints (like real-time video or voice) are stored in a special queue and other packets are stored in a normal queue. Then resource allocation is done according to packet reception rate (PRR) and queue size. Our work in the paper includes an algorithm for classification of packets, mechanisms for resource allocation for multi-user environment besides estimation of probability of error rate. Our extensive simulations revealed that the proposed approach outperforms existing one in terms of average packet delivery ratio, average end-to-end-delay, packet drop, overhead.
Key-Words / Index Term
UWB MANET, Scheduling, Multi-user
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Y.V.A. Satyanarayana, K. P. Raju, P V. Naganjaneyulu, "Resource Allocation for Multi-user Multi-Traffic Class in UWB MANET," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.152-156, 2016.
Using Green Computing Resources to find Fraud Mobile Apps Based Reviews and Ratings
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.157-160, Oct-2016
The model of Green Computing (GC) is gaining increasing popularly extent in the preceding years. GC is a dynamic research extent which studies proficient use of calculating resource. We apply the GC concept in mobile app development to decrease the time & find scam apps from the app store. The Mobile App is a very widely held and well-known concept due to the fast development in the portable technology. In this concept, we are proposing two enhancements. First of all, utilizing endorsement of scores by the administrator to recognize the correct surveys and rating scores. Next, by a same individual for pushing up that application on the pioneer board are confined. Two different constraints are considered for accepting the feedback given to an application. We are likewise contributing the three kinds of proofs: Ranking grounded confirmation, Rating grounded proof and Review grounded proof. In addition, we propose an enhancement grounded application to incorporate every one of the confirmations for extortion recognition in light of EIRQ (Efficient Information Retrieval for Ranked Query) calculation utilizing GC. Finally, the proposed technique will be assessed with genuine App information which is to be gathered from the App Store for quite a while period.
Key-Words / Index Term
Mobile Apps, Ranking scam Detection, Green Computing, Rating nd Review
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A. Lakshmi, N.V. Devi, "Using Green Computing Resources to find Fraud Mobile Apps Based Reviews and Ratings," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.157-160, 2016.
Green Computing Approaches on Vanet Using ACPN Method
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.161-165, Oct-2016
VANET`s are a confident instruments to permit correspondence between methods for transportation on streets. VANET deals with the consistent premise of ongoing framework where the automobile s more as hubs and go with rapid on streets. There are numerous security issues like verification, passage assaults, insightful framework approach, impact identification, clog shirking and so on.,. Various techniques have been offered to manage different issues in VANET. In this manuscript, we demonstrate a model of Authentication Structure with Restricted Privacy-Preservation and Non-Repudiation automobile way to deal with bolster green automobile correspondence for urban operation safeguard. Utilizing vehicular innovation could beneï¬t operation protect automobile s by empowering every automobile spreads the data related before landing at the episode put. With an end goal to comprehend the operation protect exercises, thinks about working on this issue study are briefly examined. Green automobile interchanges necessities are displayed to demonstrate the signiï¬cance of utilizing vehicular innovation. Tests utilizing .Net to quantify the normal defer time per trek and normal throughput for three distinct situations are exhibited.
Key-Words / Index Term
VANET, Vehicle Communication, Green Computing, Ad Hoc Network, Wireless Network, ACPN
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[10] R.Singh & S.Miglani, �Efficient and secure message transfer in VANET�, in: Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT), Aug. 2016
[11] M.Dixit, R.Kumar & Anil Kumar Sagar, �VANET: Architectures, research issues, routing protocols, and its applications�, in Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2016 International Conference on April 2016.
[12] N.Goel, G.Sharma & I.Dhyani, �A study of position based VANET routing protocols�, in Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA), 2016 International Conference on April 2016.
[13] Y.Mao, H.Luan, W.Liu, R.Yang, M.Jin, X.Jin & Z.Xu, �Experimental investigation of carrierless amplitude-phase transmission for vehicular visible light communication systems�, in Communication Systems (ICCS), 2016 IEEE International Conference on Dec. 2016.
[14] Jamal Toutouh & Enrique Alba, �Green OLSR in VANETs with Differential Evolution�, GECCO�12, July 2012.
[15] Maazen Alsabaan, �Greener electric vehicles with VANETs�, in: Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE), May 2015.
S. Suganya, N.V. Devi, "Green Computing Approaches on Vanet Using ACPN Method," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.161-165, 2016.
Improved Random Area Selective Image Steganography with LSBMR
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.166-171, Oct-2016
Image steganography is the art of hiding secret message in grayscale or color images. Easy detection of secret message for any state-of-art image steganogra- phy can break the stego system. To prevent the breakdown of the stego system data is embedded in the selected area of an image which reduces the probability of detection. Most of the existing adaptive image steganography techniques achieve low embedding capacity. In this paper a high capacity Predictive Edge Adaptive image steganography technique is proposed where selective area of cover image is predicted using Modified Median Edge Detector (MMED) predictor to embed the binary payload (data). The cover image used to embed the payload is a grayscale image. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves better embedding capacity with minimum level of distortion and higher level of security. The proposed scheme is compared with the existing image steganography schemes. Results show that the proposed scheme achieves better embedding rate with lower level of distortion.
Key-Words / Index Term
Edge adaptive .High level bit plane .Low level bit plane .Predictive image
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Improved of Stair Climbing Wheelchair for Differently Abled People
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.172-179, Oct-2016
This paper presents a new version of Wheelchair’s, a wheelchair with stair climbing ability. The wheelchair is able to climb single obstacles or staircases thanks to a hybrid wheel- leg locomotion unit with a triple-wheels cluster architecture. The new concept presented in this work represents an improvement respect to previous versions. Through a different arrangement of functional elements, the wheelchair performances in terms of stability and regularity during movement on stair have been increased. In particular, attention has been paid to ensure a regular and comfortable motion for the user during stair climbing operation. For this reason, a cam mechanism has been introduced and designed with the aim to compensate the oscillation generated on the wheelchair frame by the locomotion unit rotation. A design methodology for the cam pro?le is presented. Moreover, a para- metric analysis on the cam pro?le and on the mechanism dimensions has been conducted with the aim to ?nd a cam pro?le with suitable dimensions and performances in terms of pressure angle and radius of curvature.
Key-Words / Index Term
Stair-climbing wheelchair, Triple-wheels, Cam mechanism, Mechanism design, Architectural barriers
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Arun Jose, Leneesh N Gopal, Jishnu M, Harikrishnan A R, "Improved of Stair Climbing Wheelchair for Differently Abled People," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.172-179, 2016.
Design and Implementation of Automatic Field Irrigation System using Sensors
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.180-185, Oct-2016
Agriculture needs 85 percent of the available freshwater and its requirement may increase in future. Hence, a system is needed to utilize water e?ciently in agriculture. The automatic irrigation control system is used to achieve this aim.The modern drip irrigation system lessens a signi?cant amount of water usage compared to the traditional methods. And some crops need variable amounts of water as it grow e.g. paddy. This paper proposes an automation of drip irrigation in which the smartphone initially captures soil image, calculates its wetness level and transmits the data onto the microcontroller through GSM module intermittently. The microcontroller decides the irrigation and sends the status of the ?eld to the Farmer’s mobile phone. The system is tested for paddy ?eld for over a period of three months. It is observed from the experimental setup, that it saves nearly 41.5percentage and 13percentage of water compared to the conventional ?ood and drip irrigation methods respectively.
Key-Words / Index Term
Android application, Drip irrigation, GSM module, Microcontroller
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Preethy Sebastian, Susan V Nainan, Jennies Scaria, "Design and Implementation of Automatic Field Irrigation System using Sensors," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.180-185, 2016.