Performance Analysis of Enhancement Techniques for Satellite Images
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.12 , pp.113-119, Dec-2016
Satellite image processing is one of the important research areas in the field of digital image processing and is a challenging task for the researchers. It is often required to remove noise and smooth the image to highlight certain features of interest for image analysis and extracting significant information from satellite images often termed as image enhancement. It is an important step for overall image recognition and interpretation process and is a pre processing step that serves as an important step towards the solution for image analysis. Image enhancement can be performed in spatial or frequency domains. In this paper, we focus on spatial domain enhancement techniques with respect to satellite images. Some of the important image enhancement techniques such as contrast stretching, decorrelation stretch, histogram equalization and contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization are experimented and compared for visual interpretability. Two parameters, Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) are used for performance evaluation. The techniques are tested using 20 LandSat satellite images with different illumination effects. The experimentation was carried out using soft computing tool Matlab. It was observed that for satellite images, contrast stretching gives better results as compared to other techniques.
Key-Words / Index Term
Image Enhancement; Contrast Stretching; Mean Squared Error (MSE); Peak Signal to Noise ratio (PSNR); Landsat Imagery
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High Utility Pattern Mining � A Deep Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.12 , pp.120-124, Dec-2016
The mining high utility pattern is new development in area of data mining. Problem of mining utility pattern with itemset share framework is tricky one as no anti-monotonicity property with interesting measure. Former works on this problem employ a two-phase, candidate generation approach with one exception that is however inefficient and not scalable with large database. This paper reviews former implementation and strategies to mine out high utility pattern in details. We will look ahead some strategies of mining sequential pattern.
Key-Words / Index Term
Data Mining, Pattern Mining, High Pattern, Frequent Pattern, Utility Mining
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A.A. Tale, N.R. Wankhade, "High Utility Pattern Mining � A Deep Review," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.12, pp.120-124, 2016.
Implementation and Consistency Issues in Distributed Shared Memory
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.12 , pp.125-131, Dec-2016
Presently all programmers want to perform their tasks much faster than before. So, Parallel Processing comes into the picture to satisfy the increasing demands. Till a long time, parallel programs were only written either for multiprocessing environment or multi-computing environment. However, both of these parallel processing systems have some relative advantages and disadvantages. Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) system is a new and attractive area of research which combines the advantages of both shared-memory parallel processors (multiprocessors) and distributed systems (multi-computers). However, in DSM environment there are some critical issues like memory consistency that should be handled carefully. In this paper, an overview of DSM is given after a brief description of Distributed Computing Systems. Later various implementation issues and consistency models related to DSM are shown. Then an example of a simple program is given that can be implemented in DSM environment using Open SHMEM.
Key-Words / Index Term
Parallel Programming; Multiprocessing; Multicomputing; Distributed Shared Memory (DSM); Consistency Models
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Optimization of delay and temperature for improved design flow in 3D IC
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.12 , pp.132-136, Dec-2016
Thermal issue is a critical challenge in 3D IC design. To eliminate hotspots, physical layouts are always adjusted by shifting or duplicating hot blocks. However, these modifications may degrade the packing area as well as interconnect distribution greatly. In this paper, we propose some novel thermal-aware incremental changes to optimize these multiple objectives including thermal issue in 3D ICs. Furthermore, to avoid random incremental modification, which may be inefficient and need long runtime to converge, here potential gain is modeled for each candidate incremental change. Based on the potential gain, a novel thermal optimization flow to intelligently choose the best incremental operation is presented. We distinguish the thermal-aware incremental changes in three different categories: migrating computation, growing unit and moving hotspot. Mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models are devised according to these different incremental changes. Experimental results show that migrating computation, growing unit and moving hotspot can reduce max on-chip temperature by 7%, 13% and 15% respectively on MCNC/GSRC benchmarks. Still, experimental results also show that the thermal optimization flow can reduce max on-chip temperature by 14% compared to an existing 3D floorplan tool CBA, and achieve better area and total wirelength improvement than individual operations do.
Key-Words / Index Term
3D IC technology, Temperature, Floor planning Problem
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Design and Implementation of Efficiency Improved DC-DC Boost Converter
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.12 , pp.137-141, Dec-2016
This paper proposes the design and simulation of a DC-DC Boost converter employing PID controller, enhancing overall performance of the system. The main objective of a DC- DC converter is to maintain a constant output voltage despite variations in input/source voltage, components and load current. Designers aim to achieve better conversion efficiency, minimized harmonic distortion and improved power factor while keeping size and cost of converter within acceptable range. A simple PID (Proportional, Integral and Derivative) controller has been applied to a conventional Boost converter and tested in MATLAB-Simulink environment achieving improved voltage regulation. The proposed closed loop implementation of the converter maintains constant output voltage despite changes in input voltage and significantly reduces overshoot thereby improving the efficiency of the converter. The output of this investigation has the potential to contribute in a significant way in electric vehicles, industry, communication and renewable energy sectors.
Key-Words / Index Term
DC-DC converter; voltage regulation; Boost converter; overshoot; PID; Block Diagram Reduction; stability
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Improving load balance in Wireless Network using Spatial Reusability
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.12 , pp.142-147, Dec-2016
The surest route from the supply node to the destination node that guarantees a high cease-to-stop throughput is the principle trouble of routing in multi-hop wireless network. As the surroundings is heterogeneous the issue seems to be a lot complicated, most of the answers cease with local most desirable due to the fact the ones algorithms often fail to make certain an quit to quit throughput. By considering spatial reusability of wireless media, the cease-to-give up throughput in wi-fi multi-hop far flung structures may be stronger hugely. To assist the argument, Spatial-reusability Aware Single-path Routing (SASR) algorithm is proposed and as compared with existing single direction routing protocol. The assessment showed that proposed protocol display full-size improvement in end-to-give up throughput in evaluation with existing protocols.
Key-Words / Index Term
WSN, througput, optimization.
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Vinodh P Vijayan, Neena Joseph, Neema George, Simy Mary Kurian, "Improving load balance in Wireless Network using Spatial Reusability," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.12, pp.142-147, 2016.