Volume-3 , Issue-9 , Sep - 2015 Go Back

Open Access   Article

Biometric Authentication for Online Examination

K.Kanimozhi and M.Sakthivel
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.3 , Issue.9 , pp.162-164, Sep-2015
Open Access   Article

Expert System to Predict the Type of Fever Using Data Mining Techniques on Medical Databases

M.V.Jagannatha Reddy and B.Kavitha
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.3 , Issue.9 , pp.165-171, Sep-2015
Open Access   Article

Sovereign Mobile Mesh Networks

N Venkata Santhi and D Kumar
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.3 , Issue.9 , pp.172-177, Sep-2015
Open Access   Article

Glove to Translate Sign Language

Bodke Sulakshana, Alai Gayatri, Shinde Dipali, Pawar Sonali
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.3 , Issue.9 , pp.178-180, Sep-2015
Open Access   Article

Secure Data Storage and Retrieval Using Adaptive Integrity Protocol Model in Cloud Environment

S.Sujitha and S. J. Mohana
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.3 , Issue.9 , pp.181-184, Sep-2015
Open Access   Article

To develop an application in android for smart phones tasks processing to the cloud to detect malware in application and generate reports

Sangita Mahajan, Suvarna Sangle and Gayatri Khairnar
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.3 , Issue.9 , pp.185-188, Sep-2015
Open Access   Article

Secure File Storage System for Disruption-Tolerant Military Environment

Pawar Amol, Sonawane Ajay, Nandan Pravin and Ingole Shubham
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.3 , Issue.9 , pp.189-192, Sep-2015
Open Access   Article

Named Entity Recognition for Kashmiri Language using Noun Identification and NER Identification Algorithm

Amir Bashir Malik and Khushboo Bansal
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.3 , Issue.9 , pp.193-197, Sep-2015
Open Access   Article

Double Guard: Detecting Intrusions in Multitier Internet Applications

Tilottama Bachhav, Komal Dhamane, TrutiyaKapadnis, Vaishali Wagh
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.3 , Issue.9 , pp.198-200, Sep-2015
Open Access   Article

A Survey on Criminal Identification using Multi Biometric Traits in Image Processing

M. Ganga Eswari, S.Dhanalakshmi and .S.Karthik
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.3 , Issue.9 , pp.201-204, Sep-2015
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