Developing Pragmatic Data Pipelines using Apache Airflow on Google Cloud Platform
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.8 , pp.1-8, Aug-2022
Data Pipeline[1][2] is a series of actions which moves data from the one source to the destination, the complexity of Data Pipeline varies from use-case to use-case. The traditional data pipeline cleanups the data, aggregates the data and move it from one place to another, it sounds simple but it’s very complex as the organization deals with huge and complex data and the expectation from pipeline is that it should be robust, fast, notify about the status and it should do the same task repeatedly without failing. The modern data pipelines are slightly different in nature they are supposed to deal with Petabytes of data, they stores the data in various flavors of the cloud, should provide real-time data analysis. Apache Airflow is one such tool which simplifies the entire Data Pipeline creation to a great extent and the only pre-requisite is the basic Python Knowledge. This paper focuses on the stock-exchange data pipeline creation by using the Airflow concepts such as DAGs and Operators.
Key-Words / Index Term
Data-Pipeline, Python, Pandas, Seaborn, Apache-Airflow, GCP, Kaggle.
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Sameer Shukla, "Developing Pragmatic Data Pipelines using Apache Airflow on Google Cloud Platform," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.8, pp.1-8, 2022.
Migration Architecture Monolithic to Microservice on Information Technology Consultant Company
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.8 , pp.9-14, Aug-2022
This research aims to migrate the architecture from a monolithic to a microservices architecture on applications that were originally built with a monolithic architecture by an IT consulting firm. The goal is to migrate from monolithic architecture to microservices architecture to overcome problems that occur in applications with monolithic architectural designs that have been delivered to clients by an IT consulting company to improve customer satisfaction by improving the quality of the application. Microservices is one of the most popular architectural styles today. It is an independent, usable service modeled around a business domain. The advantages of using a microservices architecture in developing systems are flexibility and system maintenance. One method that is widely used in system migration is the Strangler Fig Application. There are 3 main stages: 1. Identifying assets to be relocated; 2. transferring assets; and 3. rerouting relocated assets. The migration results in a monolithic architecture totaling 2491 records consisting of 87 columns taking 2 hours 59 minutes 18 seconds or 1 data point for 4.3 seconds and heap memory of 99.0 percent, while the microservices architecture with an increase in data of 384 records takes 1 minute 33 seconds or 1 data point for 0.03 seconds and heap memory of 12.8 percent after implementation of the new architecture.
Key-Words / Index Term
Microservices, Monolithic, Migration System, Strangler Fig Application
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Lutfi Ardiansyah, Yuli Karyanti, "Migration Architecture Monolithic to Microservice on Information Technology Consultant Company," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.8, pp.9-14, 2022.
Profit Analysis of a Computer System with Software Redundancy Subject to Hardware Inspection
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.8 , pp.15-22, Aug-2022
In this research paper, the authors examined reliability modelling of a computer system with software redundancy by introducing the concept of inspection of hardware component. The system fails independently from normal mode. All the repair activities such as hardware repair, software up-gradation, hardware inspection and hardware replacement are carried out by a single server immediately on need basis. The failed hardware component undergoes for repair or replacement after inspection. All random variables are statistically independent. The negative exponential distribution is taken for the failure time of the component while the distributions of repair time, up-gradation time and replacement time are assumed arbitrary with different probability density functions. Semi-Markov process and regenerative point technique are used for obtaining the values various performance measures. The behaviour of some important performance measure has been examined for different parameters and costs. The profit comparison of the present model has also been made with that of the model analyzed by Munday and Malik [2015].
Key-Words / Index Term
Computer System, Software Redundancy, Up-gradation, Inspection, Replacement, Profit Analysis and Stochastic Modelling.
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V. J. Munday, Permila, Savita Deswal, "Profit Analysis of a Computer System with Software Redundancy Subject to Hardware Inspection," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.8, pp.15-22, 2022.
Use of Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Purposes: A Structured Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.8 , pp.23-27, Aug-2022
Artificial intelligence, which is widely defined as a machine`s ability to mimic intelligent human behaviour, includes the subfield of machine learning. Artificial intelligence systems are employed to carry out difficult jobs in a manner a kin to how people solve problems. Data mining is a method of automatically discovering information from massive databases or data sets. Data mining is a technique for locating the information that is concealed in a large, challenging-to-access database using only standard queries. Additionally, machine learning demonstrates its close ties to data mining. Making software that teaches computers to get smarter as they encounter new data is the core objective of machine learning. Prediction systems, image identification, Speech recognition, medical diagnosis and other applications employ machine learning. Numerous areas, including research, engineering, health care, and business, produce and a vast volumes of data every day. In this study, a few data mining approaches, algorithms, and applications are discussed. Also, application of artificial intelligence in the field of healthcare industry such as Oral Pre-Cancerous Lesions and Oral Cancer Detection, Neurodegenerative disorders, Medical Disorders, Drug Discovery are discussed.
Key-Words / Index Term
Machine Leaning, Healthcare, Artifical intelligence, Data mining.
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Ashok Sharma, Parveen Singh, "Use of Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Purposes: A Structured Review," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.8, pp.23-27, 2022.
Experimental Investigation of Storage Tank Design on the Performance of a Solar Water Heating System: Review Approach
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.10 , Issue.8 , pp.28-31, Aug-2022
Solar energy is easily available in nature, pollute less, priceless and therefore it is accepted as one of the most capable unconventional energy sources. The effective use of solar energy is held up by the intermittent nature of its availability, limiting its use and success in domestic and industrial applications especially in water heating. This topic is about to investigation and optimization of solar water heating system by varying zig-zag tube arrangement with natural convection. By using zig-zag tube arrangement in the solar water heating system the efficiency will slightly increase. The aim of the research work is to improve the performance of solar water heater by changing the tubes geometry and material of tube. The purpose of this study is to improve the technology available for solar water heater. It is mature technology still it has many opportunities for modifications. Further research work is required in the field of cost and performance of collector plates and glazing cover plates.
Key-Words / Index Term
Solar Radiation Intensity, Tube Geometry, Tube Material, Type of Flat Plate Collector used
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Swapnil Ambalal Patil, D.M. Patel, "Experimental Investigation of Storage Tank Design on the Performance of a Solar Water Heating System: Review Approach," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.8, pp.28-31, 2022.