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Estimation of Software Reliability Using p – TEF Models

Suneet Saxena1 , Ajay Gupta2

Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal Paper
Volume-4 , Issue-7 , Page no. 129-132, Jul-2016

Online published on Jul 31, 2016

Copyright © Suneet Saxena, Ajay Gupta . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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IEEE Style Citation: Suneet Saxena, Ajay Gupta, “Estimation of Software Reliability Using p – TEF Models,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.7, pp.129-132, 2016.

MLA Style Citation: Suneet Saxena, Ajay Gupta "Estimation of Software Reliability Using p – TEF Models." International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 4.7 (2016): 129-132.

APA Style Citation: Suneet Saxena, Ajay Gupta, (2016). Estimation of Software Reliability Using p – TEF Models. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 4(7), 129-132.

BibTex Style Citation:
author = {Suneet Saxena, Ajay Gupta},
title = {Estimation of Software Reliability Using p – TEF Models},
journal = {International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering},
issue_date = {7 2016},
volume = {4},
Issue = {7},
month = {7},
year = {2016},
issn = {2347-2693},
pages = {129-132},
url = {},
publisher = {IJCSE, Indore, INDIA},

RIS Style Citation:
UR -
TI - Estimation of Software Reliability Using p – TEF Models
T2 - International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering
AU - Suneet Saxena, Ajay Gupta
PY - 2016
DA - 2016/07/31
SP - 129-132
IS - 7
VL - 4
SN - 2347-2693
ER -

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The paper present NHPP Software Reliability Growth model involving test effort function(TEF) and fault removal efficiency(TEF). TEF deals with the problem of limited time and resources available during software testing phase. FRE addresses the problem of multiple occurrences of fault before its final removal. In this paper we propose p-TEF models which incorporate both TEF and FRE. p is FRE which represent fraction of faults detected and corrected. If p is less than one, then debugging is imperfect whereas for p equals to one debugging is perfect. Existing TEF models compared with p-TEF models using statistical tools SSE , R2 and AIC. Results suggest that the p-TEF models fits and predict faults detection data better.

Key-Words / Index Term

Fault removal efficiency, Test Effort Function, NHPP Models, Akaike’s Information Criterion


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