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Enhancing Skew Detection and Correction methods to Improve Optical Braille Recognition.

Vishwanath Venkatesh Murthy1 , M. Hanumanthappa2

Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal Paper
Volume-6 , Issue-6 , Page no. 1311-1315, Jun-2018


Online published on Jun 30, 2018

Copyright © Vishwanath Venkatesh Murthy, M. Hanumanthappa . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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IEEE Style Citation: Vishwanath Venkatesh Murthy, M. Hanumanthappa, “Enhancing Skew Detection and Correction methods to Improve Optical Braille Recognition.,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.6, pp.1311-1315, 2018.

MLA Style Citation: Vishwanath Venkatesh Murthy, M. Hanumanthappa "Enhancing Skew Detection and Correction methods to Improve Optical Braille Recognition.." International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 6.6 (2018): 1311-1315.

APA Style Citation: Vishwanath Venkatesh Murthy, M. Hanumanthappa, (2018). Enhancing Skew Detection and Correction methods to Improve Optical Braille Recognition.. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 6(6), 1311-1315.

BibTex Style Citation:
author = {Vishwanath Venkatesh Murthy, M. Hanumanthappa},
title = {Enhancing Skew Detection and Correction methods to Improve Optical Braille Recognition.},
journal = {International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering},
issue_date = {6 2018},
volume = {6},
Issue = {6},
month = {6},
year = {2018},
issn = {2347-2693},
pages = {1311-1315},
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publisher = {IJCSE, Indore, INDIA},

RIS Style Citation:
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TI - Enhancing Skew Detection and Correction methods to Improve Optical Braille Recognition.
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AU - Vishwanath Venkatesh Murthy, M. Hanumanthappa
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Visually impaired persons use Braille language as they can’t access digital or print media. Braille document is mostly embossed on Braille plate and are captured and processed using Optical Braille Recognition (OBR) system. OBR converts the Braille document into natural text. The quality of converted documents largely affected by the skew generated during the document scanning. Skew angle detection is one of the most important requirements in preprocessing stage of OBR. The introduction of skew is unavoidable in digitized document. Skew may get introduced while scanning the Braille plate due to human error. In this paper, two different algorithms based on Sobel edge detector, Gaussian filter method and another histogram and blob properties are used to estimate skew angle and its correction. The preprocessing, skew detection and skew correction algorithms are evaluated on MATLAB. The obtained results are compared to identify the efficient algorithm

Key-Words / Index Term

Braille, Gaussian Filter, Histogram Equalization, image segmentation, Linear regression, Skew angle, OBR, preprocessing, sobel, skew detection


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