Improving Rebalanced RSA Against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks
Ch J.L. Padmaja1 , V.S. Bhagavan2 , B. Srinivas3
Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal Paper
Volume-6 ,
Issue-9 , Page no. 944-947, Sep-2018
Online published on Sep 30, 2018
Copyright © Ch J.L. Padmaja, V.S. Bhagavan, B. Srinivas . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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IEEE Style Citation: Ch J.L. Padmaja, V.S. Bhagavan, B. Srinivas, “Improving Rebalanced RSA Against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.6, Issue.9, pp.944-947, 2018.
MLA Style Citation: Ch J.L. Padmaja, V.S. Bhagavan, B. Srinivas "Improving Rebalanced RSA Against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks." International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 6.9 (2018): 944-947.
APA Style Citation: Ch J.L. Padmaja, V.S. Bhagavan, B. Srinivas, (2018). Improving Rebalanced RSA Against Chosen Ciphertext Attacks. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 6(9), 944-947.
BibTex Style Citation:
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issue_date = {9 2018},
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RSA cryptosystem is the most widely used public key cryptosystem. There have been many variants to the original RSA proposed in the literature and Rebalanced RSA is one of such modified RSA cryptosystems. This paper provides new designs of Rebalanced RSA which are semantically secure against chosen ciphertext attack as well as adaptive chosen ciphertext attack. The proposed schemes are proved to be more efficient than other schemes like DRSA, Rebalanced RSA and standard RSA.
Key-Words / Index Term
Ciphertext, Decryption, Encryption, Rebalanced RSA
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