Predicting Personality from Micro-Blogs using Supervised Machine Learning Models
P Chandra Shaker Reddy1 , Yadala Sucharitha2 , G Surya Narayana3
Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal Paper
Volume-9 ,
Issue-4 , Page no. 7-14, Apr-2021
Online published on Apr 30, 2021
Copyright © P Chandra Shaker Reddy, Yadala Sucharitha, G Surya Narayana . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
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IEEE Style Citation: P Chandra Shaker Reddy, Yadala Sucharitha, G Surya Narayana, “Predicting Personality from Micro-Blogs using Supervised Machine Learning Models,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.9, Issue.4, pp.7-14, 2021.
MLA Style Citation: P Chandra Shaker Reddy, Yadala Sucharitha, G Surya Narayana "Predicting Personality from Micro-Blogs using Supervised Machine Learning Models." International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 9.4 (2021): 7-14.
APA Style Citation: P Chandra Shaker Reddy, Yadala Sucharitha, G Surya Narayana, (2021). Predicting Personality from Micro-Blogs using Supervised Machine Learning Models. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 9(4), 7-14.
BibTex Style Citation:
author = {P Chandra Shaker Reddy, Yadala Sucharitha, G Surya Narayana},
title = {Predicting Personality from Micro-Blogs using Supervised Machine Learning Models},
journal = {International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering},
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TI - Predicting Personality from Micro-Blogs using Supervised Machine Learning Models
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561 | 587 downloads | 201 downloads |
Social media is a place where users present themselves to the world, revealing personal details and insights into their lives. We are beginning to understand how some of this information can be utilized to improve the users’ experiences with interfaces and with one another. In this paper, we are interested in the personality of users. Personality has been shown to be relevant to many types of interactions; it has been shown to be useful in predicting job satisfaction, professional and romantic relationship success, and even preference for different interfaces. Until now, to accurately gauge users’ personalities, they needed to take a personality test. This made it impractical to use personality analysis in many social media domains. In this paper, we present a method by which a user’s personality can be accurately predicted through the publicly available information on their Twitter profile. We will describe the type of data collected, our methods of analysis, and the results of predicting personality traits through machine learning. We then discuss the implications this has for social media design, interface design, and broader domains.
Key-Words / Index Term
personality, user profiles, personalization, cross domains and Twitter
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