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Workout Monitoring Robot: A Robotic Approach for Real-Time Workout Monitoring and Guidance

Shreyas Walke1 , Yash Wadekar2 , Aditya Ladawa3 , Pratik Khopade4 , Shraddha V. Pandit5

  1. Dept. of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, PES’s Modern College of Engineering, India.
  2. Dept. of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, PES’s Modern College of Engineering, India.
  3. Dept. of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, PES’s Modern College of Engineering, India.
  4. Dept. of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, PES’s Modern College of Engineering, India.
  5. Dept. of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science, PES’s Modern College of Engineering, India.

Section:Research Paper, Product Type: Journal Paper
Volume-12 , Issue-8 , Page no. 1-9, Aug-2024


Online published on Aug 31, 2024

Copyright © Shreyas Walke, Yash Wadekar, Aditya Ladawa, Pratik Khopade, Shraddha V. Pandit . This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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IEEE Style Citation: Shreyas Walke, Yash Wadekar, Aditya Ladawa, Pratik Khopade, Shraddha V. Pandit, “Workout Monitoring Robot: A Robotic Approach for Real-Time Workout Monitoring and Guidance,” International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.12, Issue.8, pp.1-9, 2024.

MLA Style Citation: Shreyas Walke, Yash Wadekar, Aditya Ladawa, Pratik Khopade, Shraddha V. Pandit "Workout Monitoring Robot: A Robotic Approach for Real-Time Workout Monitoring and Guidance." International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering 12.8 (2024): 1-9.

APA Style Citation: Shreyas Walke, Yash Wadekar, Aditya Ladawa, Pratik Khopade, Shraddha V. Pandit, (2024). Workout Monitoring Robot: A Robotic Approach for Real-Time Workout Monitoring and Guidance. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 12(8), 1-9.

BibTex Style Citation:
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title = {Workout Monitoring Robot: A Robotic Approach for Real-Time Workout Monitoring and Guidance},
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issue_date = {8 2024},
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In this research paper, we present the development and implementation of a cutting-edge Workout Monitoring Robot designed to monitor and guide user’s exercises with its capability of pose estimation and correction and natural language interactions that revolutionize the way individuals engage in exercise routines. Whereas the current research that part-take in similar activities have had much difficulty in flexibility and ease of interaction. This study focuses on enhancing the effectiveness and safety of physical fitness activities by imposing advanced technologies including human pose estimation, autonomous robot navigation and a sophisticated human-computer interface driven by NLP. This research attempts to open the door to a new era of smart and responsive workout assistance, ultimately improving health and well-being.

Key-Words / Index Term

Human Pose Estimation, Remote Photoplethysmography, Autonomous Robot Navigation, Natural Language Robot Programming


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