A Survey on Various Aggregators for Routing Delay in Wireless Sensor System
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.363-366, Feb-2019
Remote sensor systems have pulled in much research consideration lately and can be utilized in a wide range of uses. Vitality Efficiency is an essential factor for the execution of remote sensor systems (WSN). VGA can disseminate vitality scattering uniformly all through the sensors, multiplying the helpful framework lifetime for the systems. In this work, Virtual Grid Architecture (VGA) is a vitality effective directing worldview is proposed .The convention uses information total and in-arrange handling to boost the system lifetime. A sensible methodology is to mastermind hubs in a changeless topology. Note that the area of the base station isn`t really at the extraordinary corner of the framework; rather it tends to be situated at any subjective place. In this way VGA spares more vitality than performs better than the widely used metric as well as other two metrics devised recently in terms of energy consumption and end-to-end delay, different conventions when the transmission go is more remote.
Key-Words / Index Term
Information total, virtual matrix engineering, Master aggregator, worldwide collection, neighborhood accumulation.
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A survey on Agriculture Using Internet of Things
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.367-369, Feb-2019
The internet of thing is a system of physical articles that can ready to gather and trade information utilizing installed sensors. The reason for this is to plan and build up a horticultural field checking framework utilizing Internet of things to expand the efficiency and nature of cultivating without watching it for all the time physically. IoT is quick developing innovation that helps in gathering data about conditions like humidity, temperature, moisture, and soil fertility, level of water, rain sensor, animal detection and agriculture. IoT innovation encourages agriculturists to get joined to his homestead from anyplace and whenever. The farm conditions are monitored by wireless sensors and micro controllers are used to control and automate the farm processes. IoT enables the farmers to view farm conditions remotely in the form of images. The ongoing condition of agricultural land is keep updated to farmers through smart phone using IoT at any time and any part of the world. It can also reduce the cost and enhance the productivity of traditional farming.
Key-Words / Index Term
Internet of Things (IoT), Large Scale Pilots (LSP), Agriculture monitoring, Sensors
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D. Keerthiga, M. Ganesan, "A survey on Agriculture Using Internet of Things", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.04, pp.367-369, 2019.
Document Object Mapping and Clustering Using Semantic Indexing Process
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.370-374, Feb-2019
Document clustering aims to automatically group related documents into clusters. It is on of the most important tasks in machine learning and artificial intelligence and has received much attention in recent years During this framework, the documents are projected into a low-dimensional semantic area during which the correlations between the documents within the native patches are maximized whereas the correlations between the documents outside these patches are minimized simultaneously. Since the intrinsic geometrical structure of the document area is usually embedded within the similarities between the documents, correlation as a similarity live is additional appropriate for detecting the intrinsic geometrical structure of the document area than Euclidean distance. Consequently, the proposed CPI technique will effectively discover the intrinsic structures embedded in high-dimensional document area. The effectiveness of the new technique is demonstrated by in depth experiments conducted on varied information sets and by comparison with existing document clustering strategies.
Key-Words / Index Term
Document clustering, correlation measure, correlation latent semantic indexing dimensionality reduction
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