Geographical Routing Problem of Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Mobile Sinks
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.76-83, Oct-2016
In this study, the problem of building Level-based topologies for Wireless Sensor Networks with several sinks is considered. The optimization relies on different levels of decision: choosing which sensors are masters and balancing the load among sinks, in order to prolong the network life time and improve its scalability. In this paper we present an enhancement to the GRPW algorithm for wireless sensor networks. Performance of GRPW algorithm depends heavily on single sink position , we propose a protocol based on Multiple Static Sinks, we modified the existing sink location privacy protection scheme by dividing nodes in the network containing multiple sink into different levels in which real packets are forwarded to sink belong to corresponding logical levels and the intermediate node generating fake packets and sending it to fake sinks. Using OMNET++ simulation and the MiXiM framework, it is shown that proposed protocol significantly improves the robustness and adapts to rapid topological changes with multiple sinks, while efficiently reducing the communication overhead and the energy consumption .
Key-Words / Index Term
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN), Routing, Multiple Sink, Localization, Geographic Routing
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Adaptive Uninterrupted Communication Algorithm for Wireless Mesh Network by Using UV-Rays and Dijkstra�s Algorithm
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.84-91, Oct-2016
Now a day�s wireless sensor networks are the main source of communication, so it is an important area of research. The main issues of wireless sensor networks are energy consumption and communication consistency. In this research paper the energy is reducing by minimizing the distance between sensor nodes and increases the accuracy of message transfer. An adaptive uninterrupted communication algorithm is proposed to maintain the consistency of network by using wireless mesh network topology. Mesh topology is used as it is a less expensive network than traditional network, it is extremely adaptive and expandable and it also supports high demand. UV-rays are used to data transmission in wireless mesh network since UV-links can give faster communication rate. In this research paper dijkstra�s algorithm is used to find out the shortest path between source and destination nodes, so that as the distance between the sensors nodes are minimised as a result less energy is used in wireless mesh network communication (E d2).
Key-Words / Index Term
wireless sensor network (WSN), dijkstra�s algorithm, AUICA algorithm, sensor node, UV-rays, topology management, mesh wireless network
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Developing Decision Model by Mining Historical Prices Data of Infosys for Stock Market Prediction
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.92-97, Oct-2016
Stock market analysis is the process of analyzing and monitoring stocks so it is also a process of calculating the future trends on the basis of historical trends. This whole concept is volatile, as the stock prices having the tendency to rise and fall. However, we know that there is a defined pattern in insight of any sequenced event therefore we can extract some hidden pattern thorough analysis. In this paper we have developed a decision support model to classify and predict the stock market by data mining techniques like classification and prediction. In this way we have developed some decision rules as model to increase the probability of right decision so that an investor can took profit in the stock investment. in this study we analyze the historical price data of the specific industry group Named Infosys Pvt. Ltd. to make sure that the investors is moving with right decision in order to increase the possibility of profit in their investments. Therefore the main task is to predict and classify the stock prices of Infosys Company on the basis of past prices.
Key-Words / Index Term
Classification, Data Mining, Prediction, Stock market
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Matrix Multiplication using Strassen�s Algorithm on CPU & GPU
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.98-105, Oct-2016
In this paper we have successfully implemented Matrix Multiplication using Strassen`s Algorithm on a NVIDIA GPU using CUDA. We have used the multiple cores of the GPU to reduce the computation time drastically. We have also compared the time taken by matrix multiplication using Strassen`s algorithm on both CPU and GPU. We have found that the GPU implementation was much faster, but only when the recursion was performed till a certain limit. Beyond that limit, the computation took much more time than expected. Also, we found that implementing Matrix Multiplication using Strassen`s algorithm on the CPU yielded some very positive results. By conducting experiments, we came to the conclusion that the recursion limit can be comparatively smaller for matrix multiplication using Strassen`s algorithm on CPU than for matrix multiplication using Strassen`s algorithm on GPU.
Key-Words / Index Term
GPU, CUDA, Matrix Multiplication, Strassen�s Algorithm, Cache, Speedup
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U. Ray, T.K. Hazra, U.K. Ray, "Matrix Multiplication using Strassen�s Algorithm on CPU & GPU," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.98-105, 2016.
Sweep Coverage for Boundary of Rectangular Region Using Geometric Approach
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.106-111, Oct-2016
There are typical applications where only periodic patrol inspections are sufficient instead of continuous monitoring like in traditional coverage. This periodic monitoring is termed as sweep coverage. In the sweep coverage scenario deployment of static sensor nodes may partially solve the purpose but it suffers from poor efficiency and unnecessary extra overhead. Moreover static sensor network suffers from static sink neighborhood problem as in static sensor network all sensing data from the sensors are relayed to the sink node (base station) through multi hop. As a result, the sensors near to the sink node become the bottleneck since they have to relay the data of other nodes. Once they die, the sink disconnects from the rest of the network while the rest of sensors are still fully operational with sufficient residual energy. To overcome this problem in our work, we proposed Mobile Sink Wireless Sensor Network (MSWSN). We assume that the given region is Rectangular and our aim is to do Sweep Coverage for Boundary of the Region. In Wireless sensor network Sensor node has fixed communication range ( let D be the communication range then Sensor node will cover all the points which lie within D distance from it in all directions ) and therefore to guarantee the coverage of Boundary Mobile sink will not traverse whole of the boundary but visit certain points in the Boundary known as points to Visit ( P1, P2, ----- Pn ). Points to Visit ( P1, P2, ----- Pn ) are to be chosen in such a way that every boundary point lie within the communication range of Mobile sink from at least one points to Visit ( P1, P2, ----- Pn ) and Mobile Sink must visit every edge of the boundary during traversal. Keeping above coverage conditions in mind our main objective is to choose points to Visit ( P1, P2, ----- Pn ) in such a way that the overall length of closed path travelled by the Mobile sink to collect the data is minimum.
Key-Words / Index Term
Sweep coverage problem; Area sweep coverage; Point sweep coverage; convex hull algorithm; Tessellation
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R. Sharma, G. Kaur, "Sweep Coverage for Boundary of Rectangular Region Using Geometric Approach," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.106-111, 2016.
Five Stage Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm for Speaker Dependent Isolated Word Recognition in Speech
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.112-115, Oct-2016
In speech recognition, a speaker dependent isolated word recognition system is used for small vocabulary in different applications for voice control systems. Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm is used for pattern matching when two sequences of unequal size are available. When test data and reference data or sequences are available of unequal in nature with time domain then existing DTW algorithm takes time more, while proposed solution will give the efficient algorithm which reduces the computation time without degradation of accuracy and efficiency.
Key-Words / Index Term
Dynamic time warping, speech recognition, speaker dependent
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M. Yadav, A. Aalam, "Five Stage Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm for Speaker Dependent Isolated Word Recognition in Speech," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.112-115, 2016.
Enhanced Detection of Cognitive Radio Under Noisy Channels
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.116-119, Oct-2016
Cognitive radio have been considered as the able-bodied approach with the goal of enhancing spectral efficiency. The prime aim of cognitive radio is spectrum sensing. Spectrum sensing senses the presence of white spaces, but in fading environment unlicensed users are unable to discover the presence of licensed user in the band and this leads to interference. Therefore the aim of this paper is to increase SNR in two noisy environments, AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Environment using matched filter process and to increase lifetime of cognitive radio network using genetic algorithm.
Key-Words / Index Term
Primary Users, Secondary Users, Matched Filter, Genetic Algorithm
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A Survey on Association Rule Mining Algorithms for Frequent Itemsets
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.120-125, Oct-2016
These days many current data mining tasks are accomplished successfully only in discovery of Association rule. It appeals more attention in frequent pattern mining because of its wide applicability. Many researchers successfully presented several efficient algorithms with its performances in the area of rule generation. This paper mainly assembles a theoretical survey of the existing algorithms. Here author provides the considered Association rule mining algorithms by beginning an overview of some of the latest research works done on this area. Finally, discusses and concludes the merits and limitation.
Key-Words / Index Term
Data Mining; Association rule; frequent pattern; algorithm
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D.S. Kumar, N. Jayaveeran, "A Survey on Association Rule Mining Algorithms for Frequent Itemsets," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.120-125, 2016.
Is Cloud Secure?
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.126-129, Oct-2016
Cloud computing is the buzz word, the corporate world pronounces every now and then. All the software companies are looking for a where about to store their data at a low cost and reduce the problem of selecting and updating a suitable infrastructure. The mushroom growth of startups and their prosperity and share in the software trends has also mounted the need of cloud computing. On the other hand, several other problems have taken birth like the believability of the cloud and the security concerns of it [1].The cloud users are stranded in a situation either to believe cloud or to wait for some more time for transiting to cloud .This position paper gives a thorough analysis of the cloud security and the stand the cloud computing has taken currently.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud security alliance; Data loss; denial of service attack; Server Reboot
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[22] Xiong Li, Jianwei Niu, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Saru Kumari, Fan Wu(2016), Secure and Efficient Two-factors User Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity for Network Based E-Health Care Applications., Journal of Medical Systems, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-016-0629-8.
[23] Marimuthu Karuppiah, Saru Kumari, Xiong Li, Fan Wu, Muhammad Khurram Khan, R Saravanan, Sayantani Basu,(2016), A Dynamic ID-based Generic Framework for Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Roaming Service in Global Mobility Networks, Wireless Personal Communication, DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3672-3.
[24] Saru Kumari, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Xiong Li, Fan Wu, Ashok Kumar Das, Vanga Odelu (2016), A Secure Trust-Extended Authentication Mechanism for VANETs, Security and Communication Networks, DOI: 10.1002/sec.1602.
[25] Marimuthu Karuppiah, Saru Kumari, Ashok Kumar Das, Xiong Li, Fan Wu, Sayantani Basu (2016), A Secure Lightweight Authentication Scheme with User Anonymity for Roaming Service in Ubiquitous Networks, Security and Communication Networks, DOI: 10.1002/sec.1598.
[26] Marimuthu Karuppiah(2016), Remote User Authentication Scheme using Smart card: A Review, International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, 9(2/3): 107�120.
[27] Fan Wu, Lili Xu, Saru Kumari, Xiong Li, Ashok Kumar Das, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Marimuthu Karuppiah, Renuka Baliyan (2016), A novel and provably secure authentication and key agreement scheme with user anonymity for global mobility networks, Security and Communication Networks, DOI: 10.1002/sec.1558.
[28] Swapnil Rajesh Telrandhe and Deepak Kapgate, "Authentication Model on Cloud Computing", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Volume-02, Issue-10, Page No (33-37), Oct -2014,
[29] S. Mewada, P. Sharma and S. S. Gautam, "Exploration of efficient symmetric algorithms," 2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom), New Delhi, India, 2016, pp. 663-666
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B. Balamurugan, K. Marimuthu, S. Rajkumar, M. Alenezi, R. Niranchana, "Is Cloud Secure?," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.10, pp.126-129, 2016.
Design and Develop Information Management System for Technical Institute
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.10 , pp.130-132, Oct-2016
Management Information System (MIS) gives information for the activities in an organization. The main purpose of this research is, MIS provides accurate and faster information provide to facilitate the decision-making process and enable the institute planning, control, and operational functionalities to be carried out absolutely. Management Information System (MIS) is basically concerned with processing data into detail information and is then forwarded to the various Departments in an institute for appropriate decision-making. MIS is a subset of the overall planning and control activities covering the application of student technologies, and functionality of the institute. The information system is the m process to ensure that information is available to the administrator in the form they want it and when they need it.
Key-Words / Index Term
Management Information Systems (MIS), Information Technology, Decision Making , MIS In An Organization, Transactional Processing Systems, Expert Systems, Job Marketability, IT job trends
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