Outage Detection Unit for Smart Monitoring of Electric Supply
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.49-52, Nov-2016
This paper presents a cost effective product to automatically monitor and detect outages in villages who don�t have a reliable and intermittent supply of electricity. This product might prevent malpractices and corruption that linemen do by avoiding outage complaints and delaying the whole process, and hence, make the electric supply trustworthy.
Key-Words / Index Term
Arduino, sim900a GPRS/GSM module, mobile charger circuit, Internet of Things
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S. Gupta , "Outage Detection Unit for Smart Monitoring of Electric Supply," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.49-52, 2016.
Study On Physical Layer Wireless Security Techniques
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.53-56, Nov-2016
Communication security is an essential and progressively difficult issue in wireless networks. Physical-layer approach to secret key generation which is each quick and independent of channel variations is taken into account. This approach makes a receiver jam the signal during a manner that also permits it to decrypt the info, nevertheless prevents alternative nodes from cryptography. Another well-known approach for achieving information-theoretic secrecy depends on deploying artificial noises to blind the intruders� interception within the physical layer. A multiple inter-symbol obfuscation (MIO) theme is planned, that utilizes a collection of artificial vociferous symbols to alter the initial knowledge symbols within the physical layer. MIO will effectively enhance the wireless communications security.
Key-Words / Index Term
Wireless communications security, physical layer security, information-theoretic secrecy, artificial noise
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[2] Tao Xiong, Wei Lou, Jin Zhang, Hailun Tan, MIO: Enhancing Wireless Communications Security Through Physical Layer Multiple Inter-Symbol Obfuscation, IEEE, VOL. 10,NO. 8, pp.1678-1691, 2015.
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[4] Block Cipher Encryption Process, www.nist.gov/bcencrypt, Mar 12, 2015.
[5] Charalampos N. Pitas, Christos E. Tsirakis, �Emerging communication technologies and security challenges in a smart grid wireless ecosystem�, Int. Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,Vol. 7, No.3 pp. 231 � 245, 2014.
S. Lemya, V.M. Meera, A. Thrupthi, "Study On Physical Layer Wireless Security Techniques," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.53-56, 2016.
Efficient Code Clone Analysis to Detect Vulnerability in Dynamic Web Applications
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.57-60, Nov-2016
In this system an approach to clone analysis and Vulnerability detection for Web applications has been proposed together with a prototype implementation for web pages. Our approach analyzes the page structure, implemented by specific sequences of HTML tags, and the content displayed for both dynamic and static pages. Moreover, for a pair of web pages we also consider the similarity degree of their java source. The similarity degree can be adapted and tuned in a simple way for different web applications. We have reported the results of applying our approach and tool in a case study. The results have confirmed that the lack of analysis and design of the Web application has effect on the duplication of the pages. In particular, these results allowed us to identify some common features for the web pages that could be integrated, by deleting the duplications and code clones. Moreover, the clone analysis and Vulnerability detection of the pages enabled to acquire information to improve the general quality and conceptual/design of the database of the web application. Indeed, we plan to exploit the results of the code clone analysis method to support web application reengineering activities.
Key-Words / Index Term
Vulnerability Detection, Code Clone, Dynamic Webpages, Duplication
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[4] J. Davidson, N. Mohan, and C. Jensen, �Coping with Duplicate Vulnerability Reports in Free/Open Source Software Projects,� Proc. IEEE Symp. Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC �11), 2011.
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[15] Jyotsnamayee Upadhyaya, Namita Panda and Arup Abhinna Acharya �Attack Generation and Vulnerability Discovery in Penetration Testing using Sql Injection � International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering ,Volume-2, Issue-3 ,E-ISSN: 2347-2693 , 2014
K.R. Vineetha and N.S. Krishna, "Efficient Code Clone Analysis to Detect Vulnerability in Dynamic Web Applications," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.57-60, 2016.
Object Tracking Based on Sparse Discriminative and Generative Model
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.61-68, Nov-2016
Real time object tracking is a challenging task in computer vision. Many algorithms exist in literature like mean shift method, kernel method , pixel based, Silhouette based and sparity based, method. Of these methods robust appearance model that exploits both holistic templates and local representations is the sparsity-based discriminative classifier (SDC) and a sparsity-based generative model (SGM). SDC module, is effective method to compute the confidence value that assigns more weights to the foreground than the background in the SGM module. Further the histogram-based method is also discussed that takes the spatial information of each patch into consideration with an occlusion handing scheme. Furthermore, the update scheme considers both the latest observations and the original template, thereby enabling the tracker to deal with appearance change effectively. Experimental results show that the above method gives good performance and accuracy even in the presence of occlusion.
Key-Words / Index Term
Object tracking, Target feature modelling, sparsity-based generative model, sparsity-based discriminative classifier
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S.M.R. Devi , "Object Tracking Based on Sparse Discriminative and Generative Model," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.61-68, 2016.
Evaluating the Overhead of Dynamic Information Flow Analysis Performed by Security Typed Programming Languages
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.69-74, Nov-2016
Security-typed programming languages aim to track insecure information flows in application program. This is achieved by extending data types with security labels in order to identify the confidentiality and integrity policies for each data element. Such policies specify which principals or entities are allowed to read from or write to the value of data respectively. In this paper, we evaluate the run-time overhead of dynamic information flow (DIF) analysis in security typed programming languages. Such analysis is performed by including the security labeling in the dynamic operational semantics. Our evaluation mechanism relies on developing two different language implementations for a simple while programming language that has been considered as a case of study. The first one is a traditional interpreter that implements the ordinary operational semantics of the language without security labeling of data types and hence performs no information flow analysis. The second one is an interpreter that performs a dynamic information flow analysis by implementing the security labeling semantics (where language data types are augmented with security labels). Next, two execution times of a program executed using both interpreters are measured (i.e., one execution time for each interpreter). The resulting difference in execution time represents the absolute run-time overhead of dynamic information flow analysis. We have calculated the difference in execution time for some benchmark programs that are executed using both implementations.
Key-Words / Index Term
Dynamic information flow; security labeling; run-time overhead; operational semantics
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D. Hassan, "Evaluating the Overhead of Dynamic Information Flow Analysis Performed by Security Typed Programming Languages," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.69-74, 2016.
Review of improved A.I. based Image Segmentation for medical diagnosis applications
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.75-81, Nov-2016
Image segmentation is very important application in a biomedical diagnosis use image data analysis. In medical analysis the accuracy of image segmentation has a critical clinical requirement for the localization of body organs or pathologies in order to raise the quality of prediction of disease or infections. This paper covers review that includes several articles in which latest A.I biomedical image segmentation techniques are applied to different imaging color space models. This review article describes how various computer assisted diagnosis system works for achieving the goal of finding abnormal segments of body organs in biomedical images of the MRI, ultrasound etc. It has been observed that those segmentation approach are broadly giving accurate results in which the segmentation of the images is performed by defining an active shape model and then localization of potential area of interest using thresholding.
Key-Words / Index Term
Image processing, biomedical analysis, detection, pattern recognition
Rastgarpour M., and Shanbehzadeh J., Application of AI Techniques in Medical Image Segmentation and Novel Categorization of Available Methods and Tools, Proceedings of the International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2011 Vol I, IMECS 2011, March 16-18, 2011, Hong Kong.
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P. Ranjan, P.R. Khan, "Review of improved A.I. based Image Segmentation for medical diagnosis applications," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.75-81, 2016.
Improvement of Time Complexity on External Sorting using Refined Approach and Data Preprocessing
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.82-86, Nov-2016
Generally, huge data of any organization possess data redundancy, noise and data inconsistency. To eliminate, Data preprocessing should be performed on raw data, then sorting technique is applied on it. Data preprocessing includes many methods such as data cleaning, data integration, data transformation and data reduction. Depending on the complexity of given data, these methods are taken and applied on raw data in order to produce quality of data. Then, external sorting is applied. The proposed external sorting now takes the number of passes less than actual passes log B (N/M) + 1 for the traditional B � way external merge sorting. Also, the number of Input / Outputs of proposed method is less than 2*N* (log B (N/M) + 1) of Input / Outputs than traditional method, and also proposed method consume least number of runs compared to actual basic external sorting.
Key-Words / Index Term
data preprocessing, external sorting, Data cleaning, passes, Inputs / Outputs, and runs
[1] Mark Allen Weiss, �Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++�, Chapter7, Fourth Edition, Pearson, Florida International University, ISBN-13: 978-0-13-284737-7, ISBN-10: 0-13-284737-X.
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S.H. Raju, M.N. Rao, "Improvement of Time Complexity on External Sorting using Refined Approach and Data Preprocessing," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.82-86, 2016.
An ABC Optimized Biometric based User Authentication in WSN
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.87-93, Nov-2016
User authentication is a crucial service in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) because wireless sensor nodes are typically deployed in an unattended environment, leaving them open to possible hostile network attack. The main goal of research is to Authenticate remote user in a convenient and Secured manner. In this paper, we propose a ABC( Artificial Bee Colony optimization algorithm for matching)algorithm for user authentication in hierarchical wireless sensor networks using Biometric (finger print)data. In the proposed scheme ABC algorithm calculates the standard deviation(threshold value) from the biometric data (finger print) which is used for user authentication with maximum fitness in an optimized and secured manner.
Key-Words / Index Term
Hieriarchical wireless sensor network,Artificial Bee Colony ,User Authentication
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Use of Constraints in Pattern Mining: A Survey
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.95-99, Nov-2016
Constraint based pattern mining and association rules are used in many applications like genetic sequence analysis, in finance for bankrupting prediction, in securities for fraud detection, in agriculture for discovering classification of plants etc. to get the user interesting knowledge. Constraints are useful to eliminate unwanted rules and also solves rule explosion problem. Many algorithms are proposed for constraint based pattern mining and association rule generation. These constraints are in the form of attribute, item length, time or duration, regular expression etc. Pushing constraints in a mining process gives user interesting discovery. Literature survey shows that performance of an algorithm improves with application of constraint during the mining process. The paper elaborates about the literature survey on use of constraints in generation of association rules with different categories of constraints with its properties.
Key-Words / Index Term
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Improvement of Time Complexity on Pattern Matching using One -Time Look Indexing and Data Preprocessing
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.100-106, Nov-2016
There are various pattern matching algorithms which take more comparisons in finding a given pattern in the text and are static and restrictive. In order to search pattern or substring of a pattern in the text with less number of comparisons, a general data mining technique is used called data preprocessing which named as D-PM using DP with help of one time look indexing method. The D-PM using DP finds given pattern or substring of given pattern in the text in less time and the time complexity involved is less than existing pattern matching algorithms. The new Pattern Matching Algorithm with data preprocessing (D-PM using DP) proposes Pattern Matching with dynamic search behavior and makes users should have flexibility in searching.
Key-Words / Index Term
Pattern Matching, Data Preprocessing (DP), Time Complexity, Comparisons, Onetime look Indexing
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S.H. Raju, M.N. Rao, "Improvement of Time Complexity on Pattern Matching using One -Time Look Indexing and Data Preprocessing," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.100-106, 2016.