A YOLO-Powered Deep Learning Approach to Psoriasis Classification
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.12 , Issue.1 , pp.1-7, Jan-2024
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v12i1.17
With the rise of technological advancements, various clinical practices have undergone significant transformations. The field of dermatology, in particular, has experienced rapid progress. Skin ailments encompass a spectrum of conditions impacting the human body`s largest organ. These conditions range in severity from mild instances like acne or eczema to more serious cases such as skin cancer or Psoriasis, which is a persistent inflammatory skin disorder affecting a considerable global population. The precise categorization and assessment of the severity of Psoriasis play a pivotal role in its effective treatment and management. Conventional classification methodologies often prove subjective, time-intensive, and susceptible to variations in interpretation amongst different observers. In contrast, machine learning and deep learning, subsets of artificial intelligence, are revolutionizing various domains by addressing diverse challenges autonomously, without the need for human intervention. AI technologies have opened up fresh avenues for the objective and automated classification of Psoriasis. However, these technologies are yet to attain their maximum potential in terms of accuracy. Here, we try to implement a relatively new method i.e., YOLO (You Only Look Once) which is basically an object detection technique, to try to classify psoriasis. A comparison of all the different models of YOLOv8 have been studied here. The study also deploys the Google Colab platform for computational needs and ease.
Key-Words / Index Term
Psoriasis, Classification, YOLOv8, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Dermatology, Google Colab
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Heart Disease Prediction System Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.12 , Issue.1 , pp.8-15, Jan-2024
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v12i1.815
Now a days, based on different reasons heart diseases are increasing rapidly. If we find out or identify the heart diseases in human beings at an early stage, it is easy to prevent the disease and help the patients. Even though cardiologists and health centers gather relevant data and information every day, but, not applying the knowledge of machine learning algorithms to retrieve valuable of prediction. The main objective of this research is to predict and classify heart diseases by using proposed convolutional neural network classifier. In this classification of evaluation process, feed forward process and back propagation methods will be applied in between the hidden layers. Due to this, the proposed CNN classifier gives best accuracy. By applying this trained classifier has identified the given data, which are either normal or abnormal. So, the entire research has been implemented in Python which produced good results.
Key-Words / Index Term
Deep Learning, Classification, Convolutional Neural Network, Heart Disease
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Exploring the Functionality of Traffic Control Systems: A Brief Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.12 , Issue.1 , pp.16-23, Jan-2024
CrossRef-DOI: https://doi.org/10.26438/ijcse/v12i1.1623
Fast transportation systems and rapid transit play pivotal roles in the economic development of any nation. However, mismanagement and the resulting traffic congestion can lead to prolonged waiting times, increased fuel consumption, and financial losses. Although numerous traffic management techniques exist to address congestion, none is inherently flawless, given the constantly changing real-time situations. The primary cause of today`s traffic problems often lies in the shortcomings of existing traffic management systems. These systems often lack a focus on real-time traffic scenarios, resulting in inefficiencies. Our initiative seeks to bridge this gap by introducing a self adjusting traffic management strategy capable of seamlessly adapting to the ever-changing circumstances on the road. Traffic congestion and road safety are persistent challenges in urban areas, necessitating the development of robust Traffic Management Systems (TMS). This abstract provides an overview of a comprehensive TMS designed to address these challenges and improve overall urban mobility.
Key-Words / Index Term
Image Processing, Signal Processing, Sensor and Measurement Techniques, YOLO model, Radio Frequency Identification, Convolutional Neural Networks, Blob Detection
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