Optimization of Resource Allocation in Wireless Systems Based on Game Theory
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp.1-13, Jan-2016
The power allocation has for long been considered a major problem for communication between many users who share common resources. With the emergence of new paradigms such as ad hoc networks, unregulated frequency bands and cognitive radio, the study of power allocation distributed protocols becomes particularly relevant. In fact in such networks, terminals can freely choose their power allocation strategy without following the rules imposed by a central node. The terminals are considered to be independent actors and it is reasonable to consider that they are rational, that is to say, by regulating their transmission power levels, terminals wish to maximize their communication quality. In this context, it is natural to study the problem of power allocation of each terminal as part of game theory, considering the terminal as each players looking to maximize their own utility function by controlling their power emission. Game theory allows particularly to study the existence and multiplicity of balancing power allocation strategies that terminal has no interest to deviate unilaterally .In a multiple access channel, the signal from a terminal received by the other terminals as interference to their own signals. Each terminal of the transmission quality depends directly of the transmission power level of other terminals.
Key-Words / Index Term
Game Theory, Fairness Optimization, Access Methods, Resource Allocation, Power.
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Sara Riahi, Ali El Hore, Jamal El Kafi, "Optimization of Resource Allocation in Wireless Systems Based on Game Theory," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.1, pp.1-13, 2016.
A Novel Low Power Fault Tolerant Full Adder for Deep Submicron Technology
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp.14-16, Jan-2016
A low power and high speed Full adder circuit design using a new CMOS domino logic family is presented in this paper. Compared to static CMOS logic circuits, dynamic logic circuits are important as it provides better speed and has less transistor requirement. The proposed circuit has very low dynamic power consumption and less delay compared to the recently proposed circuit techniques for the dynamic logic styles. Moreover, it will be shown that the proposed circuit is extremely fault tolerant. The monte carlo simulation is performed to emphasis the fault tolerance of proposed full adder. The proposed full adder is simulated using standard 0.18 um CMOS technology.
Key-Words / Index Term
Trans-Impedance Amplifier, Resistive-Capacitive Feedback, Inductor Less, Low Noise, Low Power
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Zahra Kahrari, Gholamreza Karimi, "A Novel Low Power Fault Tolerant Full Adder for Deep Submicron Technology," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.1, pp.14-16, 2016.
Survey on Securing data using Homomorphic Encryption in Cloud Computing.
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp.17-21, Jan-2016
Cloud computing is technique which has become today’s hottest research area due to its ability to reduce the costs associated with computing. In today’s Internet world, it is most interesting and enticing technology which is offering the services to various users on demand over network from different location and using range of devices. Since Cloud Computing stores the data and propagate resources in the open environment, security has become the main obstacle which is hampering the deployment of Cloud environments. So To ensure the security of data, we proposed a method which uses Multilayer Security for securing Data using Homomorphic Encryption in Cloud Computing. Homomorphic encryption is a form of encryption that perform computations on ciphertext thus generating an encrypted result which, when decrypted, matches the result of operations performed on the plaintext. This System helps to secure Data for various cloud users.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Computing, Privacy Preservation, Homomorphic Encryption
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Suraj S. Gaikwad, Amar R. Buchade, "Survey on Securing data using Homomorphic Encryption in Cloud Computing.," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.1, pp.17-21, 2016.
Inference of Gene Regulatory Network using Fuzzy Logic – A Review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp.22-29, Jan-2016
Cellular processes like metabolism, responses to the actions or surroundings and reproduction of cells are controlled by proteins. Genes are responsible for the synthesis of a protein. Some genes synthesize proteins which control the rate at which other genes synthesize protein and form the network of interactions between the genes named as Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs). GRNs are the control systems which represents the causal relationships between genes, protein-protein interactions, etc. They provide a very useful contribution to cellular biology, mechanics of various harmful diseases like cancer, help in drug discovery and impact of those drugs on the individuals. Large amount of microarray gene expression datasets are available that can be used to analyse the relationships between the genes. These datasets are imprecise and uncertain because of the noisy and missing values in gene expression datasets. Fuzzy logic based models are capable of handling uncertainty of data which provide the valuable contribution in the inference of GRNs. To address this most challenging area of cellular biology, this paper reviews various fuzzy logic based techniques to infer GRNs from microarray gene expression datasets. The main objective of this review paper is to present, analyse and compare contributions given by researchers in this field.
Key-Words / Index Term
Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Regulatory Networks, Microarray gene expression data, Clustering, GRN Inference
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Raviajot Kaur, Abhishek and Shailendra Singh, "Inference of Gene Regulatory Network using Fuzzy Logic – A Review," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.1, pp.22-29, 2016.
A Study on Anti-Phishing Techniques
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp.30-36, Jan-2016
Some customers avoid online banking as they perceive it as being too vulnerable to fraud. The security measures employed by most banks are never 100% safe; Credit card fraud, signature forgery and identity theft are far more widespread "offline" crimes than malicious hacking. An increasingly popular criminal practice to gain access to a user's finances is phishing, whereby the user is in some way persuaded to hand over their password(s) to the fraudster. To protect users against phishing, various anti-phishing techniques have been proposed that follows different strategies like client side and server side protection. In general anti-phishing techniques are Content Filtering, Black Listing, Symptom-Based Prevention, Domain binding, Character based Anti-Phishing, Content based Anti-Phishing. But they have got some drawbacks such as; Time Delay, Redundancy, Accuracy, Information Retrieval.The Proposed system will check the user’s existence in the database and provide the set of services with respect to the role of the user. The application is based on three-tier architecture. The cipher key will be used to find the fraud application. This approach is called Anti-Phishing. Anti-Phishing is nothing but “preventing the phishing”. This can be done by creating a cipher key (an encrypted code) in the customer’s username, password or in a/c no., which is not recognized in the hacker’s fake website. The objective of the project is to design and develop secure online Banking Application using Anti-phishing concept.
Key-Words / Index Term
Anti-Phishing, Trojan, Black List, Proxy, Spyware, Cipher Key, Spoofguard
[1] N. Chou, R. Ledesma, Y. Teraguchi, D. Boneh, and J. C. Mitchell, "Client–side defense against web–based identity theft", In Proceedings of 11th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, 2004.
[2] Popup Window,
“http://www.w3.org/TR/WAI-WEBCONTENT/”, W3C Recommendation 5-May-1999
[3] Ollman, G. (2004), “The Phishing Guide – Understanding and Preventing Phishing Attacks”, IBM Internet Security Systems.
[4] Atkins, B. and Huang, W. (2013), “A Study of Social Engineering in Online Frauds”, Open Journal of Social Sciences, 1, 23-32. doi: 10.4236/jss.2013.13004.
[5] Trojan horse program,
Trojan-Zbot”, 2010
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Power Quality Issues in Railway Electrification
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp.37-39, Jan-2016
This paper presents a perspective on power quality issues through railway electrification development and the necessity of power quality and system requirements for appropriate power quality. It has been a major problem in railway networks because of their special characteristics. The most important systems affected by railway electrification are upstream power supply networks railroad signaling and communication, and telecommunication systems. The most important problem is, in the case of three-phase systems, the imbalance of current because a railway load is nowadays always a single-phase load which causes a negative-sequence component (NSC) current equal to the positive-sequence component (PSC). In a high-speed train application, the modularized traction converter produces the significant harmonic currents caused from the switching behavior of a power converter. . One way to minimize the interference is to design the secondary windings of a power transformer decoupled magnetically as possible.
Key-Words / Index Term
Power quality, negative-sequence component, Harmonic current, modularized traction Behavior
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Grid Computing Approach for Dynamic Load Balancing
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp.40-42, Jan-2016
Grid computing technology can be seen as a positive alternative for implementing high-performance distributed computing. The goal of Grid computing is to create the illusion of virtual computer out of a large collection of connected heterogeneous nodes sharing various resources. The Grid system needs competent load balancing algorithms for the distribution of tasks in order to increase performance and efficiency. The process of identifying requirements, matching resources to applications, allocating those resources, and scheduling and monitoring grid resources over time in order to run grid applications efficiently is known as Grid Resource Management. The first phase of resource management is resource discovery. The next step is monitoring and scheduling. Monitoring keeps the details of the resources and scheduling guides the job to appropriate resource. The resources which are heavily loaded act as server of task and the resources which are lightly loaded act as receiver of task. Task relocation takes place from the node which has high load towards the node which has fewer loads. The main aim of load balancing is to provide a distributed, low cost scheme that balances the load across all the processors. In this paper a dynamic load balancing algorithm is proposed in a simulated grid environment which fulfils the objective to achieve high performance computing by optimal usage of geographically distributed and heterogeneous resources in the grid environment.
Key-Words / Index Term
Load; Computing; Grid; Dynamic
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Kapil B. Morey, Sachin B. Jadhav, "Grid Computing Approach for Dynamic Load Balancing," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.1, pp.40-42, 2016.
Performance analysis of PFI using FP-Growth algorithm for various data-sets
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp.43-50, Jan-2016
The data handled in appearing applications like placement or situation based services, sensor monitoring systems, and data integration, are often not exact in nature. In this article, we study the important problem of extracting frequent item sets[1] from a huge unsure database, illuminated under the Possible World Semantics (PWS)[2].This issue is technically challenging, since an unsure database consist an exponential number of possible worlds. By observing that the mining process can be show as a discrete probability distribution, we develop an FP Growth algorithm [4] which compress a large database into a dense, Frequent-Pattern tree (FP-tree) [4] structure also Develop an efficient, FP-tree-based frequent pattern mining method (FP-growth) and Apriori algorithm for frequent item set mining. We also study the important problem of maintaining the mining result for a database that is developing (e.g. by inserting a tuple). Specifically, we present incremental mining algorithms [13], which enable Probabilistic repeated Item set (PFI) results to be refreshed. This decrease the requirement of re-executing the whole mining algorithm on the new database, which is often more expensive and unnecessary. We observe how an existing algorithm that retrieves exact item sets, as well as our approximate algorithm, can support incremental mining. All our algorithms support both tuple and attribute uncertainty, which are two common uncertain database models. We also perform huge evaluation on real and synthetic data sets to validate our approaches.
Key-Words / Index Term
Frequent Item Sets, Uncertain Data Set, FP Growth Algorithm,Association Rule Mining,Apriori Algorithm
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Enhancing M-Learning System Using Cloud Computing
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp.51-55, Jan-2016
The main aim of this paper is to study the concept of M-Learning system enhancement using Cloud computing technologies. M-Learning system can be enhanced by the new Cloud computing technologies. M-Learning system is flexible and it has some advantages than the traditional educational system. Furthermore, MCC-Mobile Cloud computing is the new technology which integrates Mobile Computing and Cloud computing which has many advantages than M-Learning. Storage space, processing speed and other services from the cloud environment are utilized in MCC to enhance the networked collaborative learning process. This paper discusses the concept of Mobile Learning and Cloud computing, Cloud architecture and its benefits. It also discusses the benefit of Cloud computing in Mobile Learning. Through Cloud computing and Cloud environment the learner’s mobile device is able to receive unbroken transmission signals which enhances the barrier free communication process. Mobile Cloud computing modifies the teacher’s role from lecturing to facilitating the learning process i.e. student centered learning.
Key-Words / Index Term
M-Learning system, Cloud computing, MCC (Mobile Cloud Computing), Cloud architecture, Cloud environment, Student centered learning
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Sharmila, Nisha Jebaseeli, "Enhancing M-Learning System Using Cloud Computing," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.1, pp.51-55, 2016.
Development of Automatic Fracture Detection System using Image Processing and Classification Methods for Femur Bone X-Ray Images
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.1 , pp.56-60, Jan-2016
Clinician and Practitioners suggest that detection of fractures from x-ray images is considered as an essential process in medical x- ray image analysis for diagnosis. Patients suffer in most cases seriously. So the study proposes a combined classification technique for automatic fracture detection from long bones, in particular the leg femur bones. The proposed system has following steps, preprocessing, segmentation, feature extraction and bone detection, which uses a combination of classification techniques of image processing for successful detection of fractures. The classifiers, Support Vector Machine Classifiers (SVM), feed forward Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN), and Naïve Bayes Classifiers (NB) are used during combination of classification. The results from various experiments showed that the proposed system is showing significant improvement in terms of detection rate of fractures.
Key-Words / Index Term
SVM, BPNN, Navie Base Calssification
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