A Proposed Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) Model
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.1-6, Nov-2016
Big Data can bring big benefits for all sectors of our life via smarter moves, for examples, by analyzing huge dataset immediately and allowing for making decisions based on what they have learned, by gauging customer needs immediately and analyzing customer satisfaction in a timely manner, or by providing many diagnosis or treatment options quickly. These can driving business and economy growth. Until recently, it was hard to get benefits of Big Data without heavy infrastructure investments; for that, the enterprises suffered from many challenges which related to the lack of capacity to process and store the huge dataset adequately, and inability to manage and extract value from these huge dataset; but times have changed. The technology of cloud computing was evolved rapidly to bridge the storage and processing gap and opened up a lot of options for using Big Data by both individuals and organizations without having to invest in massive on-site storage and data processing facilities. This paper presents the concept, advantages, characteristics, processing and applications of Big Data. Then proposes a model to integrate Big Data and cloud computing technology based on three basic cloud service layers to present a new model of Big Data as a Service (BDaaS). The proposed BDaaS model allows enterprise to implement various Big Data functions using variety outsourcing (like Hadoop, Altiscale and Qubole) clearly, easily and moving them out of the expensive whirlpool of updating and maintaining their infrastructure.
Key-Words / Index Term
Big Data; BDaaS; Cloud Computing; Hadoop; Altiscale; Qubole.
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M.S. Al-Hakeem, "A Proposed Big Data as a Service (BDaaS) Model," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.1-6, 2016.
Experimental analysis of Mean shift method of tracking objects
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.7-12, Nov-2016
Real time object tracking is a perplexing task in computer vision. Many algorithms exist in literature like Mean shift, background-weighted histogram (BWH) and Corrected background-weighted histogram(CBWH) for tracking the moving objects in a video sequence.This paper attempts to do the comparative analysis of the three methods in terms of performance parameters like Normalised Centroid Distance , Overlap and number of iterations using two types of features i.e., color histogram and color texture histogram. Experimental results show that the performance of CBWH gives better performance when compared with basic Mean shift and BWH.
Key-Words / Index Term
Object Tracking, Mean Shift Algorithm, Target Feature Modelling, Candidate Feature Modelling, Bhattacharya Coefficients
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S.M.R. Devi, "Experimental analysis of Mean shift method of tracking objects," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.7-12, 2016.
Domination Easymove Game on A Square Beehive
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.13-19, Nov-2016
This paper aims at circular chess on the new mode of playing board games by having an automated physical platform. Hence it discusses the development of an automatic chess board called as Chess. Which enables the user to play the game of chess in different formats with the opponents moves completely based user. It uses various types in graph sets the domination game played on a graph G consists of two players, Dominator and Staller, who alternate taking turns choosing a vertex of G such that whenever a vertex is chosen by either player, at least one additional vertex is dominated. Dominator wishes to dominate the graph in as few steps as possible and Staller wishes to delay the process The game domination number Gamma (G) is the number of vertices chosen when Dominator starts the game and the Staller as much as possible. Sushisen algorithms using game domination number Gamma�(G) when Staller starts the game. An imagination strategy is developed as a general Matlab tool for proving results in the domination game.
Key-Words / Index Term
Domination, Bipartite Graph, Game Domination number, Independence sets, Coverings and Coloring
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I, Baidari, S P Sajjan, V.K. Gurani, "Domination Easymove Game on A Square Beehive," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.13-19, 2016.
Co-operative Communication with Energy-Efficient in A Clustered Wireless Sensor Network
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.20-25, Nov-2016
The concept of co-operative communication is one of the fastest growing areas of research in wireless sensor networks. Energy efficiency is the main issue in the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The energy consumption is minimized using cooperative communication technique. Number of techniques has been proposed in minimizing the energy consumption in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, the two techniques proposed for minimizing the energy consumption have been discussed. During the route discovery process AODV (Ad hoc On demand distance vector) floods the entire network with large number of control packets, and hence it finds many unused routes between the source and destination. This becomes a major drawback to AODV since this causes routing overhead, consuming bandwidth and node power. The proposed enhancement to AODV optimizes CAODV (Cluster Based AODV) by reducing the number of control messages generated during the route discovery process. The optimization method uses the idea of clustering the nodes of the network and managing routing by cluster heads and gateway nodes. Routing using clusters effectively reduces the control messaged flooded during the route discovery process by replacing broadcasting of RREQ packets with forwarding of RREQ packets to Cluster Heads. The performance evaluation of CAODV is carried out through simulation tests, which evince the effectiveness of this protocol in terms of network energy efficiency when compared against other well-known protocols.
Key-Words / Index Term
Clustered wireless sensor networks, co-operative communication, energy efficiency. AODV, Routing, Gateway Node
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B.V. Patil, P.V. Baviskar, "Co-operative Communication with Energy-Efficient in A Clustered Wireless Sensor Network," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.20-25, 2016.
Automatic Detection of Liver Tumor in CT Image Using Region Growing and SVM Classifier
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.26-29, Nov-2016
This paper presents an approach to automatic detection of liver tumor in CT images by using region-growing and Support Vector Machine (SVM) which is successfully classifies the liver cancer types such as hepatoma, hemangioma and carcinoma.The method rectifies the problem of manual segmentation and classification which is time consuming due to the variance in the characteristics of CT images.Our proposed method has been tested on a group of CT images obtained from hospitals in Kerala with a promising results both in liver and tumor segmentation. The average error rate and accuracy rate obtained from our proposed method is 0.02 and 0.9.
Key-Words / Index Term
Region-growing,preprocessing,feature extraction,Segmentation, SVM Classifier.
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R. Sreeraj, G. Raju, "Automatic Detection of Liver Tumor in CT Image Using Region Growing and SVM Classifier," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.26-29, 2016.
Intrusion Detection System Using Hybrid Classification Technique
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.30-33, Nov-2016
Cyber Security is one of the key elements of any system. Breaching of cyber security can lead to loss of confidential and private data. To prevent the attacks on network an Intrusion Detection System Using Hybrid Classification Technique is proposed. This IDS uses a decision tree algorithm to classify the known attack types in the dataset and SVM is used to classify the normal data from the dataset, there by detecting the unknown attacks. Dataset used is the NSL-KDD Dataset.
Key-Words / Index Term
[1] Rajesh Wankhede and Vikrant Chole (2016), Intrusion Detection System using Classification technique, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 � 8887) Volume 139 � No.11, pp. 25-28.
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R. Wankhede, V. Chole, "Intrusion Detection System Using Hybrid Classification Technique," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.30-33, 2016.
A Study And Analysis Of Speckle Reduction Method In Digital Holography
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.34-37, Nov-2016
Image denoising has become a very essential in the case of noisy images for better information extraction. On the other hand, processed image must reserve the relevant details of the primary image. This noise suppression is very useful in many applications. Speckle noise is one of the major noises causing digital hologram. So we need some mechanism for denoising the noisy content by preserving the valuable information. This paper presents a comparative study on BEMD (bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition) and MBEMD (multilevel bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition) along with the frost filter.
Key-Words / Index Term
Image denoising, Speckle reduction, Bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition, Frost filter
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C. Amrutha , L.C. Manikandan, V.A Akhila , "A Study And Analysis Of Speckle Reduction Method In Digital Holography," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.34-37, 2016.
The Energy Efficient Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks: A review
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.38-41, Nov-2016
The wireless sensor networks are the type of network in which sensor nodes sense the environmental conditions and pass the sensed information to base station. The sensor network is deployed on the far places like forests, deserts etc. The size of the sensor node is very small due to which it is very difficult to recharge or replace battery of these sensor nodes. The various techniques has been proposed in the previous times, to reduce energy consumption of the network. Among various proposed techniques, clustering is the efficient technique to reduce energy consumption of the sensor networks. The clustering is of two types dynamic and static and in this article techniques of both type of clustering is reviewed and compared in terms of various parameters.
Key-Words / Index Term
WSN, Clustering, Static and Dynamic, energy efficient
[1] Michael Stein, Dominic Lerbs, Mohamed Hassa, Mathias Schnee, �Evaluation Study for Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks�, 2016, IEEE, 978-1-5090-2526-8
[2] Sushanta Mohan Rakshit, Michael Hempel, Hamid Sharif,� Wireless Sensor Networks in Surface Transportation�, 2016, IEEE, 978-1-5090-2526-8
[3] Prof Chayapathi A.R, Ravitheja .S,� Energy Efficient Routing Techniques In Wireless Sensor Network�, 2014, (IJSRET), ISSN 2278 � 0882, Volume 3, Issue 8
[4] Zain ul Abidin Jaffri, Sundas Rauf,� A Survey on �Energy Efficient Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks Focusing on Hierarchical Network Routing Protocols�, 2014, ISSN 2250-3153, Volume 4, Issue 2
[5] Himangi Pande, M. U. Kharat,� Adaptive Energy Efficient MAC Protocol for Increasing Life of Sensor Nodes in Wireless Body Area Network�, 2016, IOTA, 978-1-5090-0044-9
[6] Jamal N. Al-Karaki, Ahmed E. Kamal,� Routing Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey�, 2010, ICUBE, volume8, issue 1
[7] Saman Siavoshi, Yousef S. Kavian, Hamid Sharif,� Load-balanced energy efficient clustering protocol for wireless sensor networks�, 2014, IET Wireless Sensor Systems, Vol. 6, Iss. 3
[8] Jetendra Joshi, Prakhar Awasthi, Sibeli Mukherjee, Rishabh Kumar, Divya Sara Kurian and Manash Jyoti Deka,� SEED: Secure and Energy Efficient Data Transmission in Wireless Sensor Networks�, 2016, IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4673-9879-4
[9] Bhaskar Prince, Prabhat Kumar, M. P. Singh and Jyoti Prakash Singh,� An Energy Efficient Uneven Grid Clustering based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks�, 2016, IEEE, 978-1-4673-9338-6
[10] Awatef Balobaid,� A Survey and Comparative Study on Different Energy Efficient MAC-Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks�, 2016 International Conference on Internet of Things and Applications (IOTA) 978-1-5090-0044
[11] Jing Jing Yan, Meng Chu Zhou, and Zhi Jun Ding,� Recent Advances in Energy-efficient Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review�, 2016, IEEE, 2169-3536
[12] Somasekhar Kandukuri, Jean Lebreton, Nour Murad, Richard Lorion, and Jean-Daniel Lan-Sun-Luk,� Energy-Efficient Cluster-Based Protocol using An Adaptive Data Aggregative Window Function (A-DAWF) for Wireless Sensor Networks�, 2016, IEEE, 978-1-5090-2185-7
[13] Abdul Razaque, Musbah Abdulgader, Chaitrali Joshi,� P-LEACH: Energy Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks�, 2016, LISAT, 7494137-3456-546-54
Neelam, D. Khosla, "The Energy Efficient Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks: A review," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.38-41, 2016.
Survey on Curve Detection Algorithms
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.42-45, Nov-2016
Techniques including minimal path can efficiently extract curve-like structures by optimally finding the integral minimal-cost path between two seed points. In the first method, a novel minimal path-based algorithm which works on more general curve structures with fewer demands on the user for initial input compared to prior algorithms based on minimal paths. The main novelties and benefits of this new approach are that it may be used to find both closed and open curves, including complex topologies containing both multiple branch points and multiple closed cycles without demanding pre-knowledge about which of these types is to be extracted, and it requires only one input point which, in contrast to older methods, is no longer constrained to be an endpoint of the desired curve but truly may be any point along the desired curve. The second method MPP-BT (Minimal Path Propagation with Backtracking) first applies a minimal path propagation from one single starting point and then, at each reached point,backtracks few steps back to the starting point. Researchers in different areas like geometric optics, computer vision, robotics, and wire routing have previously solved related minimum-cost path problems using graph search and dynamic programming principles.
Key-Words / Index Term
Curve Detection; Minimal Path Propagation with Unknown end points; key points; accumulation problem; backtracking; stop propagation
[1]L. D. Cohen and R. Kimmel, �Global minimum for active contour models: A minimal path approach,� Int. J. Comput. Vis., vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 57�78, Aug. 1997.
[2]Y. Rouchdy and L. D. Cohen, �Geodesic voting methods: Overview,extensions and application to blood vessel segmentation,� Comput. Methods Biomech. Biomed. Eng., Imag. Visualizat., vol. 1, no. 2,pp. 79�88, Mar. 2013.
[3]F. Benmansour and L. D. Cohen, �Fast object segmentation by growing minimal paths from a single point on 2D or 3D images,� J. Math. Imag.Vis., vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 209�221, Dec. 2009.
[4]R. Ardon, L. D. Cohen, and A. Yezzi, �Fast surface segmentation guided by user input using implicit extension of minimal paths,� J. Math. Imag.Vis., vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 289�305, Oct. 2006.
[5]V. Kaul, A. Yezzi, and Y. C. Tsai, �Detecting curves with unknown endpoints and arbitrary topology using minimal paths,� IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 34, no. 10, pp. 1952�1965, Oct. 2012.
[6]Yang Chen, Yudong Zhang, Jian Yang, Qing Cao, Guanyu Yang, Jian Chen, Huazhong Shu, Limin Luo, Jean-Louis Coatrieux and Qianjing Feng, �Curve-Like Structure Extraction Using Minimal Path Propagation With Backtracking,� IEEE Trans.Image Processing., vol. 25, no. 2,pp.988-1003, Feb. 2016.
[7] Azzeddine Riahi, "Image Segmentation Techniques Based on Fuzzy C-Means and Otsu, Applied to the Brain MRI in Tumor Detection", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Volume-03, Issue-12, Page No (89-101), Dec -2015.
S.M. Nisha , S. Nair ,T. Mohanan, K.K. Faisal , "Survey on Curve Detection Algorithms," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.42-45, 2016.
Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Trees
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.4 , Issue.11 , pp.46-48, Nov-2016
Clones are the piece of Software, which is creating from the copy of the original software. To be more specific, the idea behind software cloning is to create a new software that replicates the aspect and usefulness of the original software in possible. It is important to understand that cloning does not have to involve any source code in the original software. Software Cloning typically occurs in the source code for the original software is not available. In a result, software cloning does not imply source code copying. Since software cloning goes way beyond simply executing a similar user interface. The goal in cloning is to create a new software program that mimics everything the original software does and the way in which it does .
Key-Words / Index Term
Code clone, Syntatic method, Clone detect, Clone removal, Abstract Syntax Trees(AST)
[1] T. Kamiya, S. Kusumoto, and K. Inoue �CCFinder: a multilinguistic token-based code clone detection system for large scale source code�, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, vol. 28, no. 7, pp. 654 - 670, July 2002
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[3] M.Kim, V. Sazawal, D. Notkin, and G. Murphy �An empirical study of code clone genealogies�, Proceedings of the 10th European software engineering conference held jointly with 13th ACM SIGSOFT international symposium on Foundations of software engineering ESEC/FSE-13, pp. 187-196, September 2005
[4] R.Koschke, R. Falke, and P. Frenzel �Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Suffix Trees�, Proceedings of the 13th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE �06), pp. 253- 262, October 2006
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[6] Mohammed Abdul Bari. �Code Cloning: The Analysis, Detection and Removal� in proceedings of International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 � 8887)
[7] R.Koschke, R.Falke and P. Frenzel,� Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Suffix Trees� in Proceedings of the 13th Working Conference on Reverse Engg. WCRE 2006.
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L. Sridevi, R. Kannan, "Clone Detection Using Abstract Syntax Trees," International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.4, Issue.11, pp.46-48, 2016.