Implementation of Data Mining Techniques to Detect Ranking Fraud
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.59-61, Feb-2019
Mobile App market refers to fraudulent or deceptive activities which have a purpose of bumping up the Apps in the popularity list. It becomes more frequent for App developers to use adumbral means, such as inflating their Apps’ sales or posting phony App ratings, to commit Review cheats. While the importance of preventing ranking cheat has been widely recognized, there is limited understanding and research in this area. We propose a new algorithm for this kind of the problem using Marshal Classification scam identification technique for mobile Apps. Specifically, we first propose to accurately locate the ranking fraud by mining the active periods, namely leading sessions, of mobile Apps. Such leading sessions can find out the local anomaly instead of global anomaly of App rankings. Furthermore, we investigate three types of evidences, i.e., ranking based evidences, rating based evidences and review based evidences, by modelling Apps’ ranking, valuation, review and behaviours through analytical detection principle tests using Marshal Classification Scan Analysis Technique.
Key-Words / Index Term
Mobile Apps, ranking fraud detection, evidence aggregation, historical ranking records, rating and review
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M. Mary Priyadharshini, C. Premila Rosy, "Implementation of Data Mining Techniques to Detect Ranking Fraud", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.04, pp.59-61, 2019.
Composite Power System Reliability Evaluation Based on Efficient State Search Using Binary Grasshopper Optimisation Algorithm
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.62-66, Feb-2019
Reliability is a vital aspect for the safe operation of any modern technological system. This work presents a methodology for evaluating the reliability of a composite power system with Binary Grasshopper Optimisation (BGHO) algorithm in its search mechanism to select the dominant states of the system which have large existing probability and higher load curtailment. A Grasshopper of a BGHO algorithm represents the possible system state. BGHO is used for efficient exploration of system states in the problem space by generating different potential solution to achieve optimal objective. The examined system states are used to evaluate annualized system and load point reliability indices. The proposed search methodology is applied to IEEE-RTS test system and the results are compared with state of art approaches. This proposed methodology evaluates the indices similar to the existing benchmark methods while visiting less number of system states.
Key-Words / Index Term
Power System Reliability Evaluation; Reliability indices; Binary Grasshopper Optimisation Algorithm
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A heuristic Approach of Wimax System with Different Modulation Process
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.67-69, Feb-2019
WiMAX has several competitors within the market, together with cellular 3G and LTE specifications. although every of those technologies has its own benefits and drawbacks, mobile WiMAX has a grip as a result of it`s associate all IP-based packet switched network designed for information traffic WiMAX is that the finish to finish technology that has low price applications and walk resolution for broadband wireless access. WiMAX is predicated on the quality family outlined by IEEE 802.16 that provides Coverage of up to thirty miles (last mile) compared to alternative technologies. WiMAX has distinctive characteristics that permits the bottom station to handle thousands of subscriber stations (SS), it conjointly provides economical relinquishing procedure and Power management mechanism by introducing the sleeping mode for mobile stations. The key downside of WIMAX system is high BER and as BER will increase, signal to noise quantitative relation decreases. It means, the less the BER, result`s the upper the SNR and also the higher communication quality This paper presents simulation of WiMAX exploitation OFDM technique exploitation secret writing technique . BER versus Eb/No curves area unit used for comparison the results.
Key-Words / Index Term
Wimax, Ofdm , wireless networks
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A Review on Secured Network with Cryptographic Modelling
Review Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.70-76, Feb-2019
In information network security is one of the most important elements because it is responsible for providing security to all information passed through network devices. System security includes the approval of access to information in a system and it will controlled by the system administrator. Cryptography gives secure correspondence within the sight of vindictive outsiders-known as foes. Cryptography is the way toward changing over standard plain text into cipher text. There are two sorts of cryptography they are symmetric and asymmetric. In symmetric frameworks use a similar key (the mystery key) to scramble and unscramble a message. In asymmetric frameworks use an open key to scramble a message and a private key to decode it. Utilization of uneven frameworks upgrade makes secure correspondence. Asymmetric frameworks incorporate RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), and ECC (Elliptic Curve Cryptography). The proposed framework utilizes AEDA calculation for information encryption as a result of its significant points on high security, bring down CPU time and less memory use. In AEDA Encryption and Decryption techniques can just scramble and decode a pixel value. The Encoding (converting message to a point) and Decoding (changing over a point to a message) are imperative capacities in Encryption and Decryption in AEDA.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cryptography, Symmetric Key, Asymmetric Key, ECC, RSA, AEDA
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A Survey on Information Retrieval Models in Document Mining
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.77-80, Feb-2019
Information retrieval is the process of retrieving relevant documents for the given query over a large document collection. As the technology emergence of digital library and electronic information exchange there is a clear need for organizing and accessing the large quantity of information. Information retrieval focus on the study of storing, organizing and retrieving the information from this large collection. This paper focuses on the types of information retrieval, different fundamental retrieval models and also gives brief overview on document processing.
Key-Words / Index Term
Boolean Model, Information Retrieval(IR),Information Retrieval System (IRS), Indexing, Vector SpaceModel (VSM)
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R. Meera, "A Survey on Information Retrieval Models in Document Mining", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.04, pp.77-80, 2019.
Advanced Cluster Based Spectrum Sensing in Broadband Cognitive Radio Network
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.81-86, Feb-2019
A radio spectrum higher data rates is a challenging task that requires inventive advances prepared for giving better methodologies for using the open radio spectrum. The issue of applying the Cognitive radio technique successfully is how to sense exactly and quickly whether or not the Primary User (PU) exists, and searching for the spectrum holes to provide the Secondary User (SU). The proposed system focus on Advanced Cluster Based Spectrum Sensing (ACBSS) algorithm which combines hierarchical data-fusion idea with jointly compressive reconstruction technology. To validate the efficiency and effectiveness, we compare the ACBBSS with Independent Compressive Sensing (ICS) and Joint Compressive Sensing (JCS) in the detection probability, false-alarm probability and algorithm execution time under the situation of unusual SNR and compression ratio. The majority of existing work has focused on Single band Cognitive Radio, multiband cognitive radio represents great promises toward implementing efficient cognitive networks compared to single-based networks. This has primarily motivated the introduction of Multiband Cognitive Radio (MB-CR) paradigm, which is also referred to wideband CR. In addition, it helps contribute seamless handoff from band to band, which get better the link maintenance and reduces data transmission interruptions.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cluster, ICS, JCS, Cognitive Radio Technique, Single and Multiband, ACBSS
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T.Jothi, P. Panimalar, "Advanced Cluster Based Spectrum Sensing in Broadband Cognitive Radio Network", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.04, pp.81-86, 2019.
Document Clustering with Omni-Directional Data Similarity Process
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.87-90, Feb-2019
Most of the clustering techniques must presume some cluster relationship relating to the data thing. Similarity among some items is usually defined clearly or sometimes absolutely. In this paper, is an introduction to some novel reference centered similarity gauge and two related clustering approaches. The significant difference between an old-fashioned dissimilarity/similarity gauge and the approach considered in this paper is how the former uses simple single standpoint. In the existing approach it considers the origin, while the latter utilizes a number of reference details, which are objects assumed not to ever be inside the same cluster while using two things being scored. Using several reference details, more useful assessment of similarity could be possibly achieved. In document clustering two qualification functions are proposed and is determined by the fresh measure. The above functions are being examined along with frequently used clustering based algorithms which use other well known similarity measures in various document collections in order to verify the approach under consideration in this paper.
Key-Words / Index Term
Document Clustering, Correlation Measure, Similarity Measure, Data Mining
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K. Lakshmi, "Document Clustering with Omni-Directional Data Similarity Process", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.04, pp.87-90, 2019.
A Survey on Ethical Hacking Techniques
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.91-96, Feb-2019
Hacking is a task in which, a person utilize the weakness in a system for self-profit or indulgence. Ethical hacking is an indistinguishable activity which aims to find and rectify the weakness in a system. In the growing era of internet computer security is of utmost concern for the organizations and government. These companies are using Internet in their wide variety of applications such as marketing, electronic commerce, and database access. But at the same time, data and network security is a serious issue that has to be talked about. This paper attempts to discuss the overview of hacking and how ethical hacking disturbs the security. Also the Ethical Hackers and Malicious Hackers are different from each other and playing their important roles in security. This paper studied the different types of hacking with its phases. The hacking can also be categorized majorly in three categories such as white hat, black hat and grey hat hacking. This paper also presents a comparison of the hacking categories with different methods of penetration testing.
Key-Words / Index Term
Hackers, Ethical Hacking, Hacking Phases
[1] Agarwal, AnkitKumar, Hacking : Research paper, online /hacking-a-research- paper/ (visited on may2012)
[2] Wilhelm, Douglas. "2". Professional Penetration Testing.Syngress Press. p. 503.ISBN 978-1-59749-425-0
[3] Moore, Robert (2006). Cybercrime: Investigating High- Technology Computer Crime (1st ed.). Cincinnati, Ohio:
[4] Anderson Publishing. ISBN 978-1-59345-303-9
[5] EC-Council (n.d.). Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures, online (visited on may 2012)
[6] Ethical Hacking Basics Class part , online showthread.php?t=11925 (visited on may 2012)
[7] Palmer, C.C.(2001,April 13). Ethical Hacking. IBM Systems Journal Vol. 40 No.3 2001
[8] Http:// student-project-seminar.html
[10] About Effective Penetration Testing Methodology byByeong-Ho KANG
J. Sathya, T. Manivannan, "A Survey on Ethical Hacking Techniques", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.04, pp.91-96, 2019.
A Study on Research Problems in Data Security in Cloud Computing
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.97-101, Feb-2019
Cloud Computing has attracted considerable attention in both industry and academic. It leads to gain effectiveness deployment, efficiency development and pay on- demand in purchasing and maintaining infrastructure. The resources stored in the cloud are managed by the Cloud Service Provider. Even though, cloud computing provides more advantages to the users, there exists security problem in cloud computing. The data owner who outsources their critical data are unaware of how data being stored in the cloud and who accessing their data. This arises many security issues in cloud computing. This paper discusses several security issues that occur over the cloud and solutions offered by various researches.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud Computing, Security issues, Data Security
[1] Nareshvurukonda and B.ThirumalaRao, “A Study on Data Storage Security Issues in Cloud Computing”, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Convergence, 2016.
[2] R.VelumadhavaRao and K.Selvamani, “Data Security Challenges and Its Solutions in Cloud Computing”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication & Convergence, 2015.
[3] Sultan Aldossary and William Allen, “Data Security, Privacy, Availability and Integrity in Cloud Computing: Issues and Current Solutions”, IJACSA International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 2016, Vol. 7, Iss.4,pp.485-498.
[4] Ahmed Albugmi, Madini O. Alassafi and Robert Walters,Gary Wills, “Data Security in Cloud Computing”, IEEE Fifth International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies, 2016, pp.55- 59.
[5] Dr.K.B.Priyalyer, Manisha R, Subhashree R and Vendhavalli K, “Analysis of Data Security in Cloud Computing”, IEEE International Conference onAdvances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics,2016.
[6] [6]. Babitha.M.P and K.R.RemeshBabu, “Secure Cloud Storage Using AES Encryption”, IEEE International Conference on Automatic Control and Dynamic Optimization Techniques, 2016,pp.859-864.
[7] AkshitaBhandari, Ashutosh Gupta and Debasis Das, “A Framework for Data Security and Storage in Cloud Computing”, IEEE International Conference on Computational Techniques in Information and Communication Technologies,2016.
[8] MrinalKantiSarkar and Sanjay Kumar, “A Framework to Ensure Data Storage Security in Cloud Computing”, IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, & Mobile Communication Conference, 2016.
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[10] ShakeebaS.Khan and R.R.Tuteja, “Cloud Security using Multilevel encryption algorithms”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2016, Vol.5, Iss.1, pp.70-75.
[11] Dr.L.Arockiam and S.Monikandan, “A Security Service Algorithm to Ensure the Confidentiality of Data in Cloud Storage”, IEEE International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, 2016, Vol.3, Iss.12, pp.1053-1058.
[12] Geeta Sharma and SheetalKalra, “A Noval Scheme for Data Security in Cloud Computing using Quantum Cryptography”, IEEE AICTC,2016.
[13] M.D. Boomija and S.V. Kasmir Raja, “Secure data sharing through Additive Similarity based ElGamal like Encryption”, IEEE International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics, Information, Communication and Bio-Informatics,2016.
[14] S. Arul Oli and L. Arockiam, “A Novel Approach for Ensuring Data Confidentiality in Public Cloud Storage”, IEEE International Journal of Computer Applications, 2014, pp.1- 5.
[15] Munwar Ali Zardari, Low Tang Jung and NordinZakaria, “K-NN Classifier for Data Confidentiality in Cloud Computing”, IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Sciences, 2014.
[16] Yuhong Liu, JungwooRyooand SyedRizvi, “Ensuring Data Confidentiality in Cloud Computing: An Encryption and Trust- based Solution”, IEEE WOCC,2014.
[17] Khaled M. Khan and MahboobShaheen, “Empowering Users of Cloud Computing on Data Confidentiality”, IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Networking, 2014, pp.272-274.
[18] S.ArulOli and Dr.L. Arockiam, “Confidentiality Technique using Data Obfuscation to Enhance Security of Stored Data in Public Cloud Storage”, IEEE International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, 2016, Vol.5, Iss.1, pp.169-174.
[19] MalekNajib Omar, MazleenaSalleh and MajidBakhtiari, “Biometric Encryption to Enhance Confidentiality in Cloud Computing”, IEEE International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies, 2014,pp.45-50.
[20] N.Jayapandian, Dr.A.M.J.Md.ZubairRahman and Rahman, “ImprovedCloud
[21] Security Trust on Client Side Data Encryption using HASBE and Blowfish”, IEEE Online International Conference on Green Engineering and Technologies, 2016.
[22] [21]. Manjeet Singh, “Study on Cloud Computing and Cloud Database”, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation, 2015, pp.708-713.
[23] [22]. A.VithyaVijayalakshimi, N.Veeraragavan and Dr.L.Arockiam “A Study on Cloud Data Security Issues”, Research Journal Misbah, 2015, Vol.15, pp.15-25.
[24] [23]. Harshitha. K. Raj, “A Survey on Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, 2014, Vol.4, Iss.7, pp.352-357.
[25] [24]. S. Arul Oil, S. Monikandan and Dr.L.Arockiam “A Framework for Data Confidentiality in Public Cloud Storage”, Research Journal Misbah, 2015, Vol.15, pp.8- 14.
[26] [25]. JasleenKaur, AnupmaSehrawat and NehaBishnoi, “Survey paper on Basics on Cloud Computing and Data Security”, International Journal of Computer Science Trends and Technology (IJCST), 2014, Vol.2, Iss.3, pp. 16-19.
M. Vishnupriya, "A Study on Research Problems in Data Security in Cloud Computing", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.04, pp.97-101, 2019.
QoS Ranking Prediction Approach for Cloud Services Using Spearman Rank Correlation Based Nature Inspired Firefly Optimization
Research Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.07 , Issue.04 , pp.102-106, Feb-2019
QoS (Quality of Services) is a very important research topic in cloud computing. When we select an optimal cloud service from functionally equivalent service we use QoS value for a good decision making. QoS ranking provides priceless information in selecting the best cloud service in cloud computing. In order to avoid time consumption and to select the best service for the cloud customer a good QoS ranking prediction framework is required. It should be a much user as friendly and less time consuming. In this paper Spearman Rank Correlation Based Nature Inspired Firefly Optimization (SRC-NIFO) method is analyzed for ranking prediction. It will give higher accuracy and be less time consuming. When the proposed framework is compared with the previous works on the basics of response in time, throughput, and latency the proposed work is proved to be much better than the previous works.
Key-Words / Index Term
Cloud computing, quality of service (QoS), Cloud Service Provider, Ranking Prediction, Rank Correlation, Selection.
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S. Beghin Bose, S.S. Sujatha, "QoS Ranking Prediction Approach for Cloud Services Using Spearman Rank Correlation Based Nature Inspired Firefly Optimization", International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.07, Issue.04, pp.102-106, 2019.