Volume-06 , Special Issue-11 , Dec - 2018 Go Back

Open Access   Article

Comparison between Round Robin and Virtual Migration Algorithm Based on their Energy Efficiency

P.S.S. Akilasri, K. Meenakshi
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.06 , Issue.11 , pp.196-200, Dec-2018
Open Access   Article

A. Ali-Eldin, J. Tordsson, and E. Elmroth, “An adaptive hybrid elasticity controller for cloud infrastructures,” in Proc. of Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2012, pp. 204–212. [2]

M. Saraswathi
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.06 , Issue.11 , pp.201-205, Dec-2018
Open Access   Article

An Analysis on Methods to Predict On Demand Based Online Agricultural Commodity of Selling Buying Using Social Computational Driven Models

Nithya Ganapathi Subramanian, P.S.S. Akhilashri
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.06 , Issue.11 , pp.206-209, Dec-2018
Open Access   Article

Classification Levels, Approaches, Tools, Application and Challenges in Sentimental Analysis- A Survey

S. Thulasi Bharathi, S. Charles
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.06 , Issue.11 , pp.210-215, Dec-2018
Open Access   Article

Association Rule Mining Classification using J48 & Navie Bayes

M. Senthamilselvi, P.S.S. Akilashri
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.06 , Issue.11 , pp.216-220, Dec-2018
Open Access   Article

Comparative Analysis Tumor Detection and Segmentation Exploitation Watershed Technique

S. Josephine, S. Murugan
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.06 , Issue.11 , pp.221-227, Dec-2018
Open Access   Article

Smart Bin for the Separation of Waste using IOT

M. Radhika
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.06 , Issue.11 , pp.228-230, Dec-2018
Open Access   Article

A Comparative Study on Weka, Orange Tool for Mushroom Data Set

M. Senthamilselvi, P.S.S. Akilashri
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.06 , Issue.11 , pp.231-236, Dec-2018
Open Access   Article

Thyroid Disease Prediction by Machine Learning Technique From Healthcare Communities

M.Shyamala, P.S.S. Akilashri
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.06 , Issue.11 , pp.237-242, Dec-2018
Open Access   Article

Data-Hiding and Compression Schema Based on Image Inpainting

P.S.S. Akilashri, B. M .Kannan
Survey Paper | Journal Paper
Vol.06 , Issue.11 , pp.243-245, Dec-2018
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